Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle

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Estoy Enamorada De Ti

You and Jaime have been though so much together. You've been amigos for longer than you've been on the team. You grew up together and when he got on the team you two had some things to work out, but it was all in good spirits.

When you were taken by the Reach you were a 'normal person' and they experimented on you and brought out your metagene. When you escaped Star Labs after being saved from the Reach you could tell that Jaime wasn't himself.

You went to the war world with the runaway meta humans to save the team and after you decide to go back to the team instead of staying with the meta humans because you wanted to help Azul, Blue.
After prepping, you see that Azul took down Toyman. You see him flying home and called out to him.
"Azul! Hey Jaime! It's me!" You get him to come over to you. "Can we talk please?"
"What is it (y/n)?" He asks. You grab his hand and look at him with concern.
"I'm worried about you."

"You're wasting my time (y/n), I have to go now." He said as he tries to leave, but you hold on to him.
"Esperar Azul, I can't let you leave." He throws you to the ground."No lo haré Azul." You tell him as you sit up at look toward him "I won't fight you Jamie, te extraño. Estoy enamorada de ti." You could see stain in his eyes and for a moment as he hesitates before he knocks you out.

———(time skip brought to you by "—And yet, I'm strangely okay with that. Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Yes, I am!" Blue Beetle S2E1 Happy New Year!)———

You wake up on sphere in the temple for Green Beetle and Azul and being there you know that you being the distraction and bait for Azul worked. They're standing there without their beetle armour. You want to go over to him, but when you try and get off sphere you end up just falling to the ground.

"Ay! eso duele," you sit up and rub your arm and Impulse runs over to you and help you get up and you hold your head as Azul runs over to you aswell. "Did you hit me with a ton of bricks?" You hold the side of your head while Impulse is keep you steady by holding your arm.

"Lo siento." He pulls you into a tight hug as he talks weakly "Perdóname, lo siento mucho." He breathes out. You jerk back and look at him with a worried face.
"Oh my god! I was joking! I'm fine, I promise Azul. Ni siquiera duele." You try console him, worrying that it was a bad time to try and joke around. "Estoy enamorada de ti Jaime, and everything will be okay. Te lo prometo." You give him a kind smile with your eyes closed, only ever worrying about him, you make sure that he's okay.

Even if you do have a headache, small pulses of pain in your head and a fading blunt impact pain in your whole left side from falling off of sphere, you make sure Jaime doesn't blame himself.

You suddenly feel a light touch on your forehead for a moment before it's gone, and you open your eyes to the touch, now on your lips. Jaime gives you a light soft kiss and you just looked at him with a red and shocked face.
"Graçiais (y/n). If you say it's going to be okay, then I believe you. Te amo mucho."

Amigos = friends
Azul = Blue
Esperar Azul = Wait Blue
Lo no haré Azul = I will not do it
Te extraño = I miss you
Estoy enamorada de ti = I'm in love with you
Ay! Eso duele = Ow! That hurt
Lo siento = I'm sorry
Perdóname, lo siento mucho = forgive me, I'm so sorry
Ni siquiera duele = it doesn't even hurt
Te Lo prometo = I promise
Gracias = Thank you
Te amo mucho = I love you so much

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