Conner Kent (Kon-el) - Superboy Pt.1

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(Part 1 Of 2)
Doesn't Need Me

"Can I play with him?" I asked.
"Match is far too dangerous." He told me. "Also it's time for your tests."
"But they hurt. I don't want to do them again."
"Do you remember why we're doing the tests?"
"Because you're trying to make a clone of me."
"You're DNA is far more difficult to read than human or Kryptonian. We have to keep testing on you (y/n) if we ever some to see results."

"Then can I play with him?"
"Well," he pauses, "we'll see, but we're going to have to put him on ice and try again."
"But, it took you so long to make Match. And he's my friend."
"No Match a weapon, and you will be too. Trying again shouldn't take as long as the first attempt. Now go prepare for your tests."
"Yes Sir."


I bolt up from bed. There are no windows in your room, since I live in the cave at Mount Justice. But, you have a clock.

"This one is Superboy?"
"Yes, he is significantly different from Match."

Liberation? Sort of.
I didn't know much about this earth, besides it's most basic elements.
They didn't have me learn of the world they brought me to.
I was more ignorant to this society, when I tried to join it, than a Martian. At least they had TV on Mars.
They created Match over 4 years ago and Superboy almost a year.

I still have nightmares of Cadmus... or dreams. They don't instill fear into my psyche, I'm not afraid, angry or upset. It just feels like a haunting that weighs down on me.

He loves her.
She loves him.

I guess, she can take care of him.
He's not the little brother I wanted him to be.
He can take care of himself, she will too.
I guess he always could.
He never needed me like I needed him.
He has her, Dick, Kaldur, Wally, Artemis, Dinah and Red Tornado, Bruce and Clark.
He had me there his entire life, from day one to day 327 and longer.
But, he'd probably think that he had her his whole life.

I had the team too, mentors and teachers from the League.
I spend everyday within a few miles from him.
We've always been friends, best friends.
I have lots of friends.
So, why do I still feel like I've only ever had Doctors and Scientists?

---(time skip brought to you by "Wait, shouldn't I be Connor Nelson?" Superboy S1E10 Targets)---

"Drop zone two." Miss Martian says.
We're investigating a building that Batman suspects to be very similar to Cadmus. This facility is ginormous and on a remote Island named Tristan da Cunha, located in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean.

Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash and Aqualad patched all the surveillance equipment from the east to the south side of the building.
Miss Martian, Robin and I enter on the southeast side, so Robin can download the blueprints and hack into other files, see what else we can find.

We make in to the sub levels of the building and sneak down the plain, metal plated hallways.
'It looks just like Cadmus.' I say on the psychic link.

Looking for a computer to hack into I get cut off and left behind by the other two. I don't think they noticed. The hallways gets cut off from both sides.
'Miss Martian?' I try to say into the psychic link. 'Superboy?' I try again. 'Aqualad? Artemis? Robin?'
The wall opens up and a large screen with a big face comes out.

Like in those movies, when the hero is in the evil layer and gets trapped and the bad guy starts ranting on that the hero or the world is doomed because of their "Master plan" that somehow manages to benefit them in some way.

"I'm afraid that won't work now." The wall opens up again and this time it's a doorway for a person to come out. "Queen Bee has allowed us to borrow Psimon, telepathy won't be of any use for you to."

I don't know what to do with Psimon right here, so I wait.
"What do you want Sir?" I spit out.
"It's that still a bit formal little (y/n')?" He asks. "I've known you since you were a young girl. Surely you see me as a father by now?."
"No, I don't. What. Do. You. Want?" You ask again.

"Why, you of course." He answers. "I'm afraid we have let you play long enough. It's time to come home."
"Home?" You ask.
"This Laboratory of course. You grew up here don't you remember?" He pauses to see your reaction which turns out to be surprised."We moved you over to the Cadmus facility shortly before we completed Match remember?"
"Yes." You answer. Now that you think about it.
"Though Cadmus was suppose to be temporary. To see if we could figure out how to clone you or not. It turns out that your DNA is almost impossible for earth science to read at this stage."

"How's Superboy? I'm sure you've been taking care of him since your escape. You did always see all the gnomorphs as friends rather than weapons or tools."
"Enough beating around the bush Luther!"
"If you insist. You are going to come with us."
"What if I don't want to?"

"First of all if you don't than we'll have an issue, and we'll need someone to replace you. Would you like to know something? You younger brother is a good candidate. And-"
"Fine." You tell him.

The only person I've ever needed, doesn't need me anyways.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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