Kaldur'ahm - Aqualad

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I Trusted You

"You dare question me after you all of you let Tula die!?" Your heart shattered.
The man you love, your boyfriend, left you and everything he believed in because of another girl? One who died to seal an ancient alien monster. She was one of your best friends and to lose her was hard on you, Kaldur and Garth. Garth left the team, back to Atlantis. Kaldur said he left to find himself after Tula died, and that hurt so much, but this broke you.

———(time skip brought to you by "If making a mistake was a betrayal, we would all be traitors." Aqualad S1E23 Insecurity)———
You sit on the couch of the living room in Mount Justice, and stare at the static on the tv with your legs held close to your chest. You spend most of your time here. You don't talk unnecessarily.

You drowned in the grief and despair of Artemis and Tula being dead, and your boyfriend Kaldur and good friend Garth both leaving you alone, but remained as though you were just sad. An understandable response where people made small efforts to make you smile, which you allowed, but ultimately you were blank inside, empty, broken.

You quit the team, you ditched the superhero game. You didn't want to go back.
Everyone stared to get worried, family, friends, for so long you've hardly left your apartment.

You sat at the window in your living room and stared up at the moon blankly.
You didn't answer. You ignored the sound as it repeated 2 more time.
You hear a few clicks and the front door creek and footsteps, multiple people.
"(Y/n)?" You hear, the voice belongs to an old friend, Dick Grayson.
"(Y/n)?" Some one else tries, but this time you wip your head around to see Artemis, Kaldur and Dick standing at your from door.

Tears run down your face, and you stare in disbelief. You abruptly stand up knocking over your chair.
"Oh (y/n). I can't believe what we've done to you. I'm so sorry." She rushes over to you and hugs you.
"You—you're dead. I saw you die. I went to your funeral. I visited your grave. You— you died... and you." You referred to Dick. "And him." Referring to Kaldur. "And... and..."
"It was faked (y/n). Kaldur and I went into deep cover." You dropped to the floor and Artemis went down with you.
"Cover? But he killed you. You can't... you're— you're dead. I saw you die." Artemis pulled back holding on your shoulder.
"I'm not dead (y/n). He didn't kill me."

You started to cry even harder.
"You— you left me, and he left me, and Tula left, and Garth left... and... and.. I— I was left."
"Dick, Artemis. May I talk to her on my own?"
"Okay, Artemis?" Dick calls her over and the close the front door behind them.

"(Y/n). It is me Kaldur'ahm." He slowly walks over to you.
"No! You're not here! Stop lying! I'm done with your lying!" You cover your ears and shake your head back and forth.
"(Y/n). Please." He gently puts his hands over yours and stop you from shaking your head.
"No! You're not here! Go away!" Your eyes widen as he kisses your forehead and gives you a sad look.
"I love you. I love you so much and I missed you. I have missed you every single day I was away."
"You love Tula... You miss Tula. That's why you left." You no longer fought your madness.
"I left to protect you. To infiltrate the Light. To stop my father."
"But you left me..." Kaldur pulled you toward his chest and embraced you tightly.
"I promise. I will not leave you again my love."

You look up at his face.
"Kaldur?" He looks down into your eyes.
"Yes?" You close your eyes.
"I trust you."

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