Dick Grayson - Nightwing

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Thank You

He is we: I wouldn't mind it
Dick listens to you play the guitar, playing your favourite song. You played it all the time. He smiles as he listens to you sing, each word hanging on his mind. Soaking in the sound of your voice, he's hasn't heard it in so long.

Dick shoots up from his bed and almost falls out of bed. He takes a deep breath to steady his breathing.
'I need to go see her.' He thinks to himself.

He goes to the cave to see you. He stands in the grotto looking up at your face. It is The anniversary of your death.
You known him since he was 10. You went to school with him and you were best friends. He never understood why the other students didn't like you. You were the bravest person he knew. You're first 8 years of life was child slavery, abuse, cage fights, rape, usually living in dog cages or cardboard boxes, malnourished and neglected... yet you looked to genuinely happy whenever he looked at you. Your soft eyes and gentle smile.

You were always optimistic,
always positive,
always looked on the bright side,
the silver linings,
and said that the glass was technically 100% full, full of water and air.
Someone could almost think that you lived a life where everything was always astrous.

You were smart, kind, gentle and he was the first one you told when you found out you were meta human. He tried to make up some excuse to get you on the team, and maintain his secret identity, but you weren't fooled for a second. His voice, attitude, hair and figure, just everything screamed your friend Dick Grayson the moment you met Robin in person.

Dick laughed quietly to himself remembering how you'd apologize lowly every time to any opponent you thought you hurt excessively. You were a quite pacifistic, so it happened every time you sparred and fought on missions, but he thought it was adorable.

A little over a year ago Nightwing started to lead the team and the worst thing that could have happened to him did. A team member died, you. He lost you when you had protected him and it killed him inside every single day.

What he could have done to save you.
Maybe if he hadn't been facing the wrong direction.
Maybe if he hadn't brought you on that mission.
Maybe if he hadn't tried to lead the team.
Maybe if he hadn't involved you in the superhero life.
Maybe if he hadn't become Robin.
Maybe if he hadn't met you.
You might still be alive, you might have been more happy.

So many of his fears, regrets and failures in that one day...
Failed as a the team's leader,
Failed as your friend,
Wasn't able to keep you smiling after the torture you had been through,
He couldn't keep you happy forever,
Wasn't able to protect someone that he loved, he couldn't save you.
You didn't know he loved you, he didn't tell you he was in love with you.

———(time skip brought to you by "Ahem. Uh... there's no right answer for that, is there? So... Nightwing out." Nightwing S2E5 Beneath)———

He held your limp red stained body and cradled you as cried out at the top of his lungs. While everyone else on the mission stood there crying or in silent sorrow. You were drenched in your own blood while he sat in a pool of it. He didn't let your body go for almost an hour, and it was the team that had to drag him away from it.
He would have gladly taken that bullet to the head to see you smile longer...

"Richard Grayson." Dick found himself starring at you standing at the foot of his bed with your soft, kind eyes and gentle, beautiful smile (because ghosts exist in this universe). You walk over and sit on the side of his bed. He stares at you face as tears begin to well up in your eyes and you throw your self at him hugging him burring your head in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry—" he started, but you cut him off.
"Thank you, Thank you so much Dick. You made me so happy, you made my life perfect. I felt turbed every day I was with you." You pull back from the hug and hold his face to wipe the tears from Dick's eyes with your thumbs before you continue. "Stay whelmed, Okay?" You kiss him and he pulls you closer to him by your waist. With his and your eyes still closed you lean your forehead against his and move your hands from his face to his neck.

He loved it when you would sing...
"Carefully we're placed for our destiny, you came and you took this heart and set it free,"
hearing your voice again—

After a moment Dick opens his eyes, and he sits alone in his room. He isn't holding you, but he knows you are with him, you always have and you always will. He leans on his knees with his elbows, and leans his forehead on one of his hands, and again lets tears roll from his blue eyes down his face.

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