Bart Allen - Impulse

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Time Machine

Why did I help him?

"Bart please!"
"(Y/n) please don't cry."
"I can't!" You throw your arms around him. "I don't want to lose you!"

I made the damn time machine.

You look at each other and he wipes the tears from your cheek, but more tears just replace them.
"Don't worry your not going to lose me, and I'll fix everything. I'll make sure to change this future into one worth living in, for you." You hug him tighter bury your face into his chest.

I understand, and it has to be hard for him too, so why is it still so hard to accept?

The light from the machine blinds you and you cover your eyes. When the dust clears, Nathaniel isn't wearing Belle Reve attire. Instead he's wearing a white suit and his scar's gone.
Mount Justice is still destroyed, but it's not snowing soot.

I don't know what else has changed but...

---(time skip brought to you by "I mean, you can call me Impulse or Bart or Bart Allen or Bart Impulse Allen, it's all crash." Impulse S2E6 Bloodlines. Actually, it's more like the reverse of time skip)---

Impulse sits on the middle couch of the living area of the cave in Mount Justice. He takes out a picture. The only thing he brought with him to the past, besides the clothes on his back and the time machine itself.

"Looks like the paper photos don't get any better 40 years from now." Beast Boy hangs over the back of the couch looking at his picture, and Robin and Blue Beetle walk in with him.
"It's more durable and lasts a lot longer than anything you'd have here."
"So, who's she?" BB asks. "She's so pretty."
"My best friend."
"From the future?"
"Yeah. She's really nice, and totally crash."

"Tell us more about her!"
"Geez, you're so nosy hermano." Blue elbows Beast Boy.
"Don't worry," Impulse tells them. "It's crash."
"Okay then." Robin says. "What's her name?"
"How old is she? How long have you known her? Do you miss her? Do you love her?" Beast Boy asks.
"Well, her name is (y/n). She's a year younger than me and I've known her my whole life. Of course I miss her. Somehow she could always make me smile. In the end all I could do was watch her cry."
"Why?" Robin asks.
"She was against my, taking a trip to the past. I'm constantly thinking of the reasons she's right. I'm totally feeling the mode."

"Warning. Unknown energy impulse detected." The cave system said.
"Not again." Beast Boy whines as all four of them rushed to the training area, where Nightwing and Superboy is.
"Again?" Impulse questions.

There's a lot of thunder and lightning. Lighting zaps loudly and a glowing ball of it forms, growing bigger and bigger until a machine materializes and drops to the ground with a loud thud.

The door clicks and opens so you can get out of it.

"Intruder alert. Intruder alert." The system announces.
"Another tourist from the future?" BB asks.

"Bart!" You yell. You run and jump tackle him into a hug, causing him to collapse on his back.
"Did you really tell them you were a tourist?" You whisper. "That's so retro."

"(Y/n)? What? How?" He sits up with you still leaning over him.
"I built your stupid time machine remember?" You say in an angry tone and sit up and hug him again. "If I didn't love you so much, I'd kill you." You tear up.
"Well, that's extreme." Beast Boy adds.

"Why are you here?" Bart asks.
"To crash the mode. Obviously." You tell him. "You kept your gramps from feeling the mode, but now I'm here to keep you from feeling it."
"And you built another time machine?"
"Wasn't easy asshole. You took all my parts with you to the past. Took me, Nathaniel and my sister over 2 and a half years to scavenge for the pieces."
"You do look older."
"It's only been three years!" You yell.
"I guess, I'm a year younger than you now."
"A year and a half." You correct.

"You built the time machine?" Robin asks.
"Crash, isn't it Tim?" You smirked, and they looked at you shocked. You try really hard not to cry, but fail, and Bart pulls you into another hug. "I'm so going to kill you."

"I'm sorry (y/n)." He whispers while still holding you. "I really didn't want to leave you. I just wanted to make it better. A future that would be worth living for you."
"Bart, my future isn't worth living without you."

"She's gonna turn out to be our responsibility, isn't she?" Superboy whispers to Nightwing.
"I heard that Boy of Steel!"
"Doesn't everything?" Nightwing jokes back.
"Okay, you're gonna get it too Richard!"


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