Roy Harper - Red Arrow Pt. 2

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(Part 2 Of 3)
So Strange

You had just robbed a small store. You always knew it wasn't right, you always feel regret, but that's how you were raised. You felt like you were in a similar situation to Artemis, but she had better luck.

Your family are assassins and super criminals, you're a really 'weak' criminal compared to them. You were raised to believe you didn't deserve love or mercy. You're a witch, and you were tortured for it.

The kids you took care of that had terrible parents. Gangsters, drug addicts, dealers, lords, mafia, assassins and super criminals.

You jump to the next roof and a box of bandaids and a sippy cup fall out of your bag. You pick them up and put them back in your bag and continue on your way home. A certain archer that's following you, trying to ambush you. He watches you in slight confusion and decided to see where your destination is.

You jump in the living room window of your apartment.
"Hey I'm back." You say taking off your mask.
"(Y/n)!" The seven and eight year old boy and girl run over to hug you. "It cold (y/n)." The young boy tells you. You go over to the fireplace and put both your arms in front of you palms facing the wood and a silver light sparks and the wood catches fire. You walked over to the couch grabbing one of the blankets and wrap it around the boy.
"Sit by the fire I'm make everyone some warm drinks, okay Kaiden?" He nods and sits on the floor sharing his blanket with the two year old.

You bring over cups and kettles with tea, hot chocolate and apple cider. You sit on the couch with the baby as the children get their drinks.
"Uhm..." the young tween started. "Is that Speedy?" She asked, and you turn to look at the window and you stare in shock for a moment. He also looked very shocked.

You go over to the window and open it. You grab his shirt and drag him inside. You push him in your room and shut the door.
"Wait, how old are you!?" He asks.
"I'm 19 jackass, and they're not my kids. What are you doing here?!" You try and keep your voice down.
"I— I was going to come take you down. Wait! Whose kids are they then?"
"I didn't kidnap them if that's what you think. Their parents are useless. Worse than mine."

He stares at your face

"Wha.. what are you staring at you freak?"
"It's just— you should quit being a criminal."
"Sorry, with the way I was raised, I'm not cut out for a 9-5 job. Hey! Why the heck heck do you care?"
"Those kids, they look up to you. Don't you want the person they idolize to be a good influence?"
"..." your brain began to fry from the change in attitude.
"If you want, I'll help. You make a good mother to these children."
"I'm more like a permanent daycare, or an orphanage, maybe even I boarding home."
"I would have never dreamed you were doing this."
"You're so strange Red."

(Young Justice is brought to you by Greg Weiseman, "So you're pretty much allergic to radioing a warning?" Red Arrow S1E23 insecurity)

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