Garfield Logan - Beast Boy Pt. 1

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(Part 1 Of 3)

You wake up in the middle of the night thirsty, so you walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice. When you get there you notice the TV on Connor's favourite Chanel, No signal with lots of static.

You walk over to the couch as you hear the sounds of a chip bag and crunching.
You find Gar in a total trance, staring at the TV, eating junk food. He doesn't even seem to notice you as you go to stand in front of him to see if he's okay.

"Garfield?" You ask with zero response. He looks asleep with his eyes half open. You reach out to touch his shoulder, but he suddenly jolts up gasping and dumping his food, also causing you to jump backwards a bit, falling into the wooden coffee table.

"Ouch." You sit on the floor and Gar finally notices you in front of him.
"(Y/n)?" He asks still standing on the couch. "Did I fall asleep?"
"Yeah." You answer. "With your eyes open, watching static on the TV." He put a disappointed face on looking away from me.

"You okay?" He asks, and offers a hand, after jumping off the couch.
"Yeah, what about you?" I stand up without his help. "Nightmares?"
"Kinda." He answers. "How'd you know?"
"I could tell." You tell him. "For one, people rarely sleep on the couch in this place. Two, you looked like you were set up to stay awake. And three, dreams are... my thing. My area of... well, strange ability. It was a gift. I could tell. You know, dreams are not part of the brain, but are part of the mind that has a person's wishes, fears and imagination tucked away."

"Hey, you think you could help me?"
"I... Garfie-"
You take a deep breath before answering. "Okay, yeah. You're my best friend, so if you need me, of course I'll help."

"You're not sleeping here are you?"
"No, we can go to my room." Garfield answers.

You get your drink and follow Gar's to his room.
"Okay." He says.
"Okay." You sit at the end of his bed, with your legs crossed.
"So...?" He asks.
"Just go to sleep." You tell him.
"Yeah." You answer. "If I were to touch you, there's a chance I would put you into a coma. Even if it'd be a faster and easier way to put you to sleep."


Garfield opens his eyes and sees a waterfall with a car in the pond that has smoke coming out of it.

"Garfield?" He looks around, but doesn't see anyone. "Gar?" He looks around again, but this time you are standing behind him. "This is..."
"Yeah. It's how I lost my mom."

Psychoanalysis believes dreams can say a lot about a person.
This is Garfield's nightmare, so this is what you have to change.
This in his fears, he's scared of what he can't change, what he couldn't change. It makes you think to yourself.

'I can't change...
Why can't I do this?
He has to be okay.
I won't let myself hurt him.'

The area shifts and you're in the cave of Mount Justice.
"(Y/n)?" Garfield stands right in front of you.
"I'm sorry." You say as you start to tear up.
"No (y/n), I wanted to say thank you." He reaches to touch your shoulder, but you jolt back and fall trying to avoid his touch.

"I'm sorry Gar." You wrap your arms around your self pulling your knees in. "I don't want to hurt you."
"I know you wouldn't hurt me (y/n)." He crouches down.
"I don't live at home, because I put my mother in a coma." You spit out shakily. "I don't know what I'd do if I did that to you." He leans in and cups your face with his hands and smiles, while you tense.
"Thank you (y/n), you're always here for me. I can count on you, and you always try and make me smile."

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