Billy Batson - Captian Marvel

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What The Heck?!

"Hello." You say to the room of superheroes in front of you. The other teens mentored by actual superheroes, unlike you. But, that's not really important.

It's so awesome to meet some from the League while meeting the team. There's Red Tornado, Black Canary, Batman! And Captain Marvel!! Who comes from the same neighbourhood as you, you've never met him before, but you get more hyped every second, but you also hold it all in.

"(Y/n)!!" Captain Marvel yelled and everyone looked over at him.
"How does he know that?" Kid Flash whispers to a blonde girl, you haven't gotten a chance for introductions, but you know Kid Flash.

"Oh... we uh, come from the same home turf, Fawcett city. I've just just seen her around, you know? It's a small town." He shrugs his shoulders.
"Not that small." Kid Flash talks back.
"It's small enough!" Captain Marvel Argues.

———(time skip brought to you by "Well, sure I'm going with... uh-uh, I mean, you did invite the whole team right?" Captain Marvel S1E18 Secrets)———

(After your first mission Captain Marvel catches up to you before you head out. (Because all the leaguers hang out at the cave😅. If you know what I mean.)

"Hey (y/n)." He says.
"Oh, hey Captain."

"How'd you enjoy your first mission with the team?" He asks excitedly.
"It was great. You heading home this way?" You refer to the zeta tubes.
"Yeah, you first." He bows like a door man, and to be honest, his behaviour felt familiar.

You zeta to Fawcett City and Captain Marvel shows up right behind you.
"It's so awesome that you've joined the team (y/n)."
"You say that as if you really know me." His eyes go wide and he starts flying off.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the cave." He says as he flies away.

You go home and climb in your window. You're dad doesn't exactly know, but he's too busy, but not in a bad way, to keep tabs on what you do in your free time.
"Billy?" The Batson boy sits on your bed, leaning against the wall, with his hands behind his head.

"What are you doing in my room?"
"You said we'd hang out. I've been waiting forever."
"Really?" You ask. "I'm sorry, forgot."
"I was kidding. I just got here. You never forget anything (y/n), or did you forget?"
"Very funny Billy." You say sarcastically.

"So, where were you?"
"It's a secret." You put your finger over your lips as if you were going to shush him.
"Awe come on." He pouts.
"I know for a fact, that you have your secrets Billy Batson, and I leave them to be your secrets."

"But what?!" You cut him off
"I'm your best friend!"
"So?!" You argue.
"So, you should tell me!"

"Why don't we start with why you're always running off in a hurry with no explanation."
"Fine." He says.
"Really? You've always refused to tell me before." You look at him extremely surprised.
"Things are different now."
"Different how?" You ask.
"Just come with me." He tells you and you both leave out your window.

You go to your backyard and Billy yells: "Shazam!" And thunder rings as a lighting bolt strikes Billy.
You stare I shock as a Captain Marvel appears in your back yard and Billy's no where to be seen.
"WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!?!"
"Calm down (y/n). It's me Billy Batson!" He gestures to himself.

"Batson!" You say loudly, but also trying not to yell. "You're Captain freaking Marvel?!?!"
"Yeah, I am."
"Holy heck! Than you know where I was! So why so did you ask?! Oh my god! You totally wanted to show off that you're Captain Marvel!!!!"

"Man, you're smart (y/n)." Captain Marvel rubs the back of his neck and looks away.
"How do you go back?" You ask.
"Back where?"
"To Billy Batson."
"Shazam!" Thunder and lighting strike again and he's back to 10 year old Billy Batson.
"That's crazy."
"Sorry if I like, creeped you out earlier or something. Didn't mean to, I was just so excited about you joining the team."
"It all makes sense now."

"What the heck Billy!" You grab Billy by the shirt and yell in his face.
"How could you not tell me you're Captain Marvel, until now?!?!?!"

(Young Justice is brought to you by Greg Weisman, "Oh look, Zombie Captain Marvel. That's hilarious." Zatanna S1E18 Secrets)

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