Tim Drake - Robin

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The Exception

"Alpha to HQ." Rodin said into the com link.
"HQ to Alpha, go ahead."
"We have secured 15 lackeys and Harley, but the Joker escaped."
"Good work Alpha."

"Not quite." You hear a croaky voice from right behind you, that starts chuckling.

———(time skip brought to you by "You blew the lab? But this was a covert OP! What were you thinking?" Robin S2E12 True Colors)———

"Can I talk to Miss (l/n) by herself for a moment?" The doctor asks.
"Sure, of course." Alpha squad and a few others that showed up, leave the room.

"Miss (l/n)—"
"Please..." you interrupt. "Just (l/n) or (y/n)."
"You've sustained pretty severe damage to your brain." He continues. "You have monoplegia in your right leg."

'My superhero career is done. Great...' you think

"Further damage could easily cause paraplegia, hemiplegia, quadriplegia—"
"Okay, I get it thank you."

After a lot more explanations the doctor leaves and the team comes back in.
You take a breath before talking. "I can't walk." You say informatively. "Thank you for everything guys—"
"Wait (y/n). It sounds like you're saying we're not gonna see you again." Tim says. He may have an IQ of 147? Or something, but You are a great detective too.

"Because we won't." You tell him. "Everyone has always keep this and our private lives separate. The bat children, Jaime, and me especially. It's harder when you're blood, but I'm not, so..." you make a lot of hand gestures trying to explain. "It would be better if we just cut off this... That is what happens when people like us throw in the towel right?" You find it hard to look at them, but you low key hope they'd hang on.

You stop talking and lay in your side staring out the window. Slowly people leave and tell you good bye, or get well soon, or it was lovely knowing you. Stuff like that.

People will never know how you feel unless you tell them.
That's true.
You've never felt that you needed for people to know how you feel.
You've just lost all of your friends, because you pushed them away.
'No one needs to know how I feel. It's pointless.'

"(Y/n)?" You hear from behind you, so you turn to your other side. Tim is sitting in the chair beside your hospital bed.
"It's been hours. Have you been sitting there this whole time?" You ask him.
"No, I was standing for less than half."
"I mean, why are you still here?"
"It's my fault this happened to you (y/n)." He answers.
"No, it's not Tim. It was the Joker." He looks at you in surprise. "Hey, I'm a detective." You smirk.

"But it was," he argues. "I was the one perusing the Joker, and he got away from me. I was the leader of this squad, and he was trying to attack me."
"It was my choice, my screw up during the fight that got me shot in the head." You tell him. "More importantly, I got shot in head. I'm happy I survived, and I did because you pulled me away. I my brains didn't get blown out, because of you. Now, go home Timothy, I bet Bruce is waiting for you." He looked shocked again. "Yeah, you're not the only one to figure out Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson."

"But, you'd be here alone."
"Where are your parents?" He asks.
"Thought you were a detective." You smirk again. "They're on a 3 month cruise. Don't worry, I texted them."
"Your mother and her boyfriend."
"Yeah, that doesn't make up for the fact you didn't know they were gone."
"They didn't answer or call did they?"
"No, they did not. And I guarantee, they will not care when they come back, except for the bill. Which will be very high, I have ordered take out every time I didn't feel like cooking, and will continue to do so. I don't know how to cook in a wheelchair."

"You can't call like a friend or something?"
"Correction, apparently bad detective. You guys were my only friends."
"Then why'd you say you didn't want to see any of them again?"
"So they could move on with their lives, obviously." You tell him. "You are clearing failing. You seem very hung up on this."

"Yeah, because you're my friend."
"Forget it Tim! Just go back to your life with the Team and the dynamic quartet..." you can't help but laugh a little, that it's not a duo anymore, since they is four of them now, and 'dynamic quartet' sounds stupid.

"Why are you trying to push everyone away? Why would you want to be alone?" He holds your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. "Why are you trying to push me away?"

"When my mom comes back, she will be engaged to her boyfriend, and I will not be invited to the wedding. I already ruined her first marriage with my existence. They will have a new family and kick me out the day I turn 18, whether I'll be ready or not. They'll be happy, and isn't that all you want for the people you love. Their happiness and what's best for them. And, I am like personified 'walking under a ladder', but, if it weren't completely stupid and false." You explain to him. "You know how missions don't usually go right until I'm incapacitated."

"You are so over exaggerating."
"So, you admit I'm not wrong."
"No! You're more like..." he pauses to think for a moment. "The end of a rainbow."
"I have no idea what that could possibly mean."

"Okay, my actual point is, you really think running away from everyone you care about will make them happy? You really think that's what's best?" He sits on the side of your bed facing you.
"No!" You flinch. "It's not."

"Tim, I am 0% useful to anyone this way."
"That's not true (y/n)."
"Can't do soccer or basketball or archery or gymnastic. Again I do not know how to cook in a wheelchair."
"You can still play the harp, violin, celo and piano. How the heck did you have any time to be a superhero in the first place?"

"Tim. I know you're trying to make me feel better, but it's fine—" Tim leans forward and kisses you, still holding your hand with one and holding your face with the other.
"(Y/n). It's not okay." He caresses your face. "I want... I want the person I love to be happy. What you're saying isn't what's best. Not For you, or the people around you. Please don't push me away."

Your eyes begin to overflow with tears and you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. He puts his arms around your waist to pull you in and he rubs your back and rocks you.
"I love you (y/n)."
"Tim, I love you too."

People will never know how you feel unless you tell them.
That's true.
You've never felt that you needed for people to know how you feel.
'No one needs to know how I feel. It's pointless.'
Tim is the exception.

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