Jason Todd - Robin

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Red Hood

You stand in the grotto of Mount Justice. You're with Impulse, Blue, Robin and BB, paying our respects to the memorial of Artemis. After a while the others drift off Impulse and Blue go to hang out and what not with the others.

For a long while you blankly stare at Artemis' memorial.
"She's not dead." You say.
"Wow, did you really get that from the hologram?" Dick says from behind you. "I'm not surprised you figured it out though."
"I am the best detective Dick."

"You're also kind of a psychopath, you know that?" He says with a smirk, joking.
"High-functioning sociopath. I was a normal child remember? For a while." You start staring at Jason's memorial.
"No, I don't remember that." He walks over and stands beside you.
"I do. Then came hell."
"Then Jason." You walked over to his memorial, stare up at his face and Dick follows you.

"He's not dead either." You tell him.
"I know you're a great detective, Yes, better than me, but Jason... he's... he's actually dead (y/n)."
"No Dick, he's alive, somewhere." You argue.
"Okay, than tell me what you've found." He crosses his arms.
"I don't understand what it is, but it's telling me he's not dead."

"(Y/n), I know you've had a really hard time with this, and I understand that it's difficult, but you've been irrational about this before." He refers to the time you tried to take revenge on the Joker. "You have the scars to prove it too."
"I know I'm right." You raise your voice at him.

"He loved your (y/n), but you're in denial." He grabs your shoulders to try and shake you out of it. "I know we joke about to being a sociopath, but you have sympathy, and empathy, and morals. You're mind is using defence mechanisms to protect you since your hell, that includes Jason's death and that is normal. You are normal and Jason is gone."

"You're wrong!"

———(time skip brought to you by... 'well we really don't talk about him do we? At least he gets an awesome memorial, right?')———

You stare out you're apartment window to the quiet Gotham city night, sitting on your bed thinking about the time you spent on the team.
You finally decided to get up and get ready. You take off your shirt and—
"You went and got your pretty body all scarred." Said a voice from the other side of your bedroom by the door. You use your powers to materialize a gun and point it at the man.

"Then my body was never pretty. I've always had scars." You tell the man in a red helmet. He wears a brown jacket and a black shirt with a red bat symbol. He had a belt with jun holsters over his black pants and also wears black gloves.

"Quick draw little lady."
"You learn that with psycho parents."
"I'd have thought you of all people would know how to use that term properly."
"Mentally damaged individuals that tried to raise me." You say. "and what do you know about me?"

"You got half those scars from the Joker. You were abused by your parents and through the Foster system. You don't know how, but one day you gained the ability to materialize stored objects, like that gun. You were helped and became a superhero and detective. Now your a freelance vigilante looking for something."
"Less than half, never learned to stop talking back, metagene, more like saved and, someone." You correct.
"Of course." He says.

"I want your help detective."
"You break into my home while I'm half naked, go to hell."
"I know that's not how you really feel (y/n)." He says. "You're the world's best detective. I want you to help me set something up."
"You want me to do it backwards, I've never been asked that before."

"I'd expect you to have figured out who I am by now."
"Of course. Robin, Jason... can it really be you?"
"No." You're eyes widen. Of course it's too good to be true.
He walks over to you and takes off his helmet. "Red Hood."

He caresses your face with both his hands as you can't stop the tears falling from happiness, and he kisses the tears away.
He pulls you into an tight embrace and whispers into your hair.
"Why'd you go after the Joker (y/n)? You know you wouldn't win. You know he could have killed you."
"I was so sad and angry. He took you away from me. I felt like I couldn't let it stand as is."
"You worried me to hell when I found out he sent you to the hospital."
"We beat the hell out of each other, it was more like a cage match than anything. I'm not the strongest fighter still, but there was no way in hell I was letting him just get away with you. I had to make him pay. I only recently got the gun, but to be honest Jason, I'd rather constantly beat him to hell than let him get away by dying."

He starts kissing your hair, then neck and shoulder.
"You know, your scars make your body look sexy." He says than kisses you on the lips and you close your eyes to kiss back. He moves his hands to your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck to pull each other closer. You lean your forehead against his.
"Please don't leave me again." You say weakly.
"Never." He reassures you.
"Why are you wearing a mask under your helmet?"
"You tell me detective."

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