Fucked and drank all night

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we're starting out pedal to the metal, baby! this is definitely smutty....

words: 3.3k

Fucked and drank all night, acted all alright, had no need to fight tonight, tonight


Nobody knew Steve Rogers like James Buchanan Barnes did. Sure, there were people who knew him pre-serum, like Bucky, but Steve didn't transition much post-serum. Besides the super-soldier body and the fact that he'd actually be able to fight back against someone who swung at him, he was still the same stubborn, selfless punk. People knew he never backed down from a challenge, knew he wanted everyone around him to be comfortable and happy, and goddammit, if they weren't, then he'd find a way to change that. They knew the man couldn't say the word "no," it wasn't in his vocabulary, always spreading himself a little too thin to please others. Though he never complained. He took orders like a champion, especially from his superiors. People probably thought he was big softie when it came to relationships, the biggest sap they'd ever laid eyes on.

They wouldn't be wrong about those things. However, if people thought that's how he acted in the bedroom, they'd be sorely mistaken. In fact, Steve was everything people would expect him not to be: dominating, rough, abrasive. They had no idea he enjoyed giving orders, teasing, manhandling, degrading, and even inflicting pain occasionally. They didn't know to call him "Sir" in the bedroom; they didn't know just how kinky he really was. Or how great of a fuck he was. Nobody knew that like James Buchanan Barnes did.

Prior to the serum, Steve was all of that; he just couldn't physically do it, not with all his health problems. Bucky remembered the first and only time he tried. They got about five minutes into fucking before Steve's heart nearly stopped from excitement, throwing himself into an asthma attack to top it all off. From then on, they agreed (Steve rather begrudgingly) to let Bucky do the work unless they were to tread lightly. He scowled as he became the designated bottom for the rest of eternity, or so it seemed like. Later when the younger one finally stopped being sour about it, neither minded too much as they never had strong feelings of having dominant or submissive roles. They were simply satisfied to be in each other's presence, loving each other. After the serum, though, Steve was regularly in charge. To Bucky's surprise, Steve was ridiculously dominant. Decades later he confessed that he never tried topping before that, but once he got a taste of it, he couldn't get enough despite him being unable to with his physical health.

A loud shout brought Bucky's memories to an abrupt stop, shoving him into the 21st century. He blinked a few times and shook his head lightly. Steve was leaning against the doorframe that joined the living room and the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest.

"Finally! I've been trying to get your attention for the past three minutes," he huffed. "What do you want to do about supper, baby doll?"

Bucky's face heated up, his brain was fuzzy and it didn't want to function due to embarrassment and that damned pet name. "I-I don't know, Steve...." He paused to gather his thoughts, "I don't, I don't care, whatever you wanna do."

His partner's eyes narrowed, scanning him up and down. Bucky felt himself blush even more under the scrutiny, silently cursing himself for it when Steve gave him a sassy smirk. In ashamed anticipation he thought, now I'm in for it.... He averted his gaze to the bookshelf on his left.

"Whatcha got there?" Steve's voice dripped in amusement.

Bucky furrowed his brows in confusion, that definitely wasn't what he expected Steve to say. He gave a confused noise and mustered up enough courage to make eye contact. Big mistake. Steve's pupils were dilated, alight with curiosity.

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