Simply be mine

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this was a request (i had so much fun with this one; it made my heart happy)! it's fluff--so much fluff that your guts are gonna ache--with domestic!Bucky bringing home a box of puppies.

words: 1.8k

You never know if you never try to forgive your past and simply be mine, I dare you to let me be your, your one and only, promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms


He was walking down 7th Avenue towards Broadway Street when, out of the corner of his eye, a cardboard box caught his attention. It wasn't an ordinary cardboard box, no, it was a moving box. Well, actually, it was trembling more than anything. Seemingly, there was nothing on the outside to cause its quivering. Maybe it was a bad idea, but to hell with it; Bucky was intrigued. Even formerly brain-washed assassins get curious, despite what some people thought (e.g. Tony fucking Stark). He still moved cautiously, though; he wasn't a complete idiot.

When he peered inside, he saw several puppies playing. Confused as to why there was a box of puppies in an alley off the streets of New York, he inspected the box further, making sure there wasn't anything else suspicious around it. Once he deemed it to be safe, he put his hand in and started petting the rambunctious dogs. Immediately, they all fought for his attention, jumping over each other and wagging their tails so hard their little butts wiggled with the force. Bucky couldn't help but grin; they were too damn cute.

"What're you doin' out here all by your lonesome, hmm?" Bucky asked the pups.

His brows furrowed as he straightened up to look around. There was no one in sight that looked like they were missing a whole box of puppies. He didn't know what to do. What if someone left the box so they could run into a shop? Pets weren't allowed in most establishments. Did he leave it be and continue going home? That felt wrong.

What if someone abandoned these dogs? The question pulled at Bucky's heart. He didn't want to know the answer. How could someone do such a thing?

He couldn't leave them.

Decidedly, he picked up the box and shushed the animals, who had begun barking at the movement. He carried them in one arm while he stuck his free hand in to pat them as he walked.

"Don't you worry, I'll take care of you," said Bucky, firm and determined. Smiling fondly at them, he added, "Let's just hope that Stevie doesn't throw a fit, yeah?"

Before the war, he had a dog. When he was 9 years old, his father came home with a beagle/boxer mix tucked under his coat, and his mother had a fit. She said they couldn't afford a dog, nor were the children responsible enough to take care of one. But as soon as she picked up the puppy and took a good look at his face, she said, "I guess he's not too bad.... This doesn't mean you're out of the doghouse, George!"

Bucky took the time to appreciate the puppies closer up as he waited for the light to change at an intersection. They couldn't have been more than a few months old.

"Hey, buddy! Get moving!" some asshole said when he bumped into Bucky to get across the street. "We don't have all day!"

Bucky nearly dropped the box from the collision, and he sent the most frightening glare he could. It was well received; the man gulped and turned on his heel, wide-eyed as he scurried away. But what a sight he must have been: a tall, dark, muscular man with a metal arm carrying a box of puppies in the middle of Manhattan. Maybe it wasn't the weirdest thing a person could see; it was New York after all.

By the time Bucky made it to his building, the dogs were napping. They were all cuddled together, laying on top of each other in ways that certainly didn't seem comfortable, but they were sleeping all the same. He managed to get his keys out of his pocket with one hand while still balancing the box in the other and didn't drop either (which Bucky triumphantly called a success). Trying to be as quiet as possible, he slipped inside his apartment and locked the door behind him.

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