Make a supersonic man out of you

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stucky make out time? stucky make out time. (btw the period appropriate clothing labels are in the picture above, just in case you get confused when i reference it in the one-shot).
based off a theatre au prompt but it's mostly based off my own experiences in high school theatre (yes i actually spent quite some time doing... what you're about to read... during my own production of this play....) anyway, enjoy, from a totally nerdy theatre kid. :)

words:  4.4k

I'm traveling at the speed of light, I wanna make a supersonic man out of you, don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball


Steve feels most powerful when dressed in all black with a headset on and a three-ring binder in hand. That's one of the many reasons he loves being head stage manager; during tech and performance nights, he's in that exact attire. He has more confidence, walking a few inches taller with a look in his eyes that threaten physical harm if he's crossed even in the slightest. His authority is not to be questioned, especially when there's only a week and a half until opening. That's the absolute worst time to do something so utterly stupid. Opposing Steve during this time is the equivalent of digging your own grave; everyone knows that.

Everyone except Bucky Barnes.

Apparently the guy has a death wish because he walks in at 5:03pm when Steve informed all actors that tech rehearsal started on Monday at 5:10pm promptly, explicitly saying they needed to be in the audience of the auditorium by 4:45pm for notes from Bruce, their director.

"Barnes!" thunders Steve, briskly approaching him as he removes his leather jacket and drapes it over one of the seats.

He looks up with a relaxed smile. It pisses Steve off how much he wants to kiss that damned grin off his face. Wait... no. Rewind. Try again. It pisses Steve off that he's late for call. There, that's it.

"Hey, Rogers, wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning?" Bucky licks his lips, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Winking, he says, "Because, y'know, I can help you with that...."

Steve's entire body hates the insinuation, with the exception of his dick. Traitor. Not right now, hormones; seriously, get it together.... Deciding to ignore Bucky's comment, he seethes, "You're late. We're about to start and you missed notes and announcements."

"Traffic's bad," supplies Bucky as he side steps to get around Steve.

Steve blocks him from going backstage, scowling. "You literally live a block and a half away. You walk to school every day."

"Is that so?"

Steve lets out an exasperated sigh and attempts to get his breathing under control. Shaking his head, he counters, "Not only are you the lead of this production, but you're also a senior. You need to set a good example for the underclassmen."

"If they need a senior to look up to, I'll send 'em your way." Bucky takes a step closer to Steve, leaning down before gently moving him out of the way. Steve's skin tingles and his lungs momentarily stop. "Later, Rogers."

Mind reeling, Steve presses the mic on for his headset and tells his stage hands it's time for places. When he's done, he files into a seat next to Bruce. It's light cue day, Steve's least favorite day.

The head of the light board's voice pipes up in Steve's ear, "Ready whenever you are, Cap."

"Okay, bring the house lights to half," he says, flicking to the beginning of the play in his binder. "Maybe a bit darker.... There. Thanks, Tony."

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