Get past all these rules

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i decided to do one of those nsfw writing challenges/prompts for stucky but i'm doing it more when i feel like it rather than following it in order if that makes any sense? anyway, these will be spread randomly throughout the book, so have fun with that.

nsfw writing challenge: first time

words: 3.4k

And I need you to trust the lust, we must get past all these rules, we must choose to reach out and touch


The group sat in a circle on the floor in the common room at the Avengers Tower. Tony had managed to persuade the team to play a game of "Never Have I Ever," which only about half of them knew what they were up against. The unsuspecting victims were Thor, Bucky, Loki, and Steve. They all knew about Tony's mischievous tendencies, so they at least understood that there was a catch whenever he suggested an activity. However, Wanda, Clint, Natasha, and Bruce were all entertained by the idea of their counterparts discovering the premises of the juvenile game as it unfolded.

"So, the game works like this," Tony began, clapping his hands together dramatically. "Normally, for those who are not of legal age to drink, each person holds up ten fingers to start with. We take turns going around saying something that we haven't done, and whoever has done that would put down a finger. If you run out of fingers, you lose. If you're the last person with fingers up, you win--though, I don't know why that would be a win because it seems like you have a boring life to still have fingers up. Anyway, since we can all drink, we have alcohol instead of putting down a finger. Once you run out of your drink, you lose. You get the picture."

Tony saw the mild confusion on Thor and Steve's faces. "Here, I'll go first so you know what to do when it comes to your turn: Never have I ever had sex with someone on our team."

He grinned evilly as everyone looked at their colleagues for the telltale sip of shame. Wanda was the first to move, her face only a few shades lighter than the cup she held. Then Nat and Clint simultaneously drank from their cups, the same blank expression on their faces. There was a common understanding that went unannounced, making the tension immediately shoot up. Steve's expression screamed awe and utter horror; Thor and Loki smirked, even wiggling their eyebrows though their beverages went untouched. Bucky shook his head, rolling his eyes. Now they knew what they had gotten themselves into.

"Alright," he turned to his left. "Clint, I believe you're up."

The man pondered momentarily. "Never have I ever... had a divorce."

Tony teased him, saying that he didn't choose anything juicy. He just pursed his lips in response. No one expected anyone to drink, let alone Natasha.

"It's a long story." She cut off the conversation before it even started; the game continued.

"Never have I ever done drugs." Wanda said.

Everyone but Steve drank. He was surprised to see Bucky lift his cup. Tony commented, "I think that the serum counts as a drug, Cap." He looked to Wanda who shrugged. "Drink up, Rogers."

Steve sighed, taking a whole mouthful because he knew that the likelihood of him losing this game was slim to none, and alcohol had no effect on him. Tony whooped, smiling like a complete ass.

Thor was next. "Never have I ever looked at those--what is it called, brother?--The dirty things.... With the men and women."

"You're talking about porn, brother," Loki scoffed, a bemused smirk on his lips.

"Yes! Never have I ever looked at the... porn."

Everyone burst out into laughter, finding the wording and interaction amusing. Everyone emptied their glasses a little more. Steve wasn't surprised with Bucky this time, he had actually walked in on him once a long time ago before the war. That was terribly embarrassing for both parties, but it secretly turned Steve on. He later did some snooping when his friend was out on a date and found the lone magazine hiding beneath a box under the bed. He curiously flipped through it before guilt crashed over him. After he carefully put it back, he realized he had to take care of the issue in his pants sooner rather than later since Bucky would be back at any minute.

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