My drug is my baby

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omg!!! thank you to everyone that's been reading this; i can't believe it's at 2k reads!!! again, thank you for reading :))
nsfw writing challenge: in/on a place that's not a bed, and acting out fantasies

words: 3.4k

Don't blame me, love made me crazy, if it doesn't, you ain't doing it right; Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'll be using for the rest of my life


Don't get him wrong, Bucky loved having sex with Steve. He really did. He enjoyed the way his boyfriend made him feel, practically worshiping his body. Steve liked to find Bucky's hand and hold it as he slowly rocked into his partner, kissing those pretty pink lips. He relished in the feeling of running his free hand over Bucky's arm, ribs, thigh, anywhere he could reach. He whispered how beautiful Bucky was and told him he loved him more than anything in the world. Steve was gentle, caring, sweet, and all of those good things.

It was safe to say that he preferred "making love" over "having sex," call him old fashioned; he was a century old, after all. But for Christ's sake, would it kill him to manhandle Bucky every now and then?

How the hell was Bucky suppose to tell Steve he wanted it rougher? He didn't really trust most of the people who lived in the compound, at least not with this information. He thought about it and finally decided on talking to Natalia; he trusted her, plus she seemed to know how to handle these kind of situations. After locating her with the help of FRIDAY, he stepped into the elevator and hit the button to the common floor.

When he stood in the doorway, she was in an armchair, legs kicked up over the side with a crossword in hand. Even though there wasn't anyone else around, he was still paranoid, so he spoke in Russian. "Can I talk to you about something?"

She scanned him, pursing her lips, and said, "Depends." She sat a little straighter, suspicious. "Why are we talking like this?"

Bucky went to answer when Sam and the new kid (Paul? no, that's not right) walked in. Sam gave the two of them the side eye, but the kid (Peter? yeah, Peter) didn't pay Bucky or Natalia any mind other than a shy smile and wave. Natalia returned it graciously while Bucky attempted to smile and it came out more like a grimace. Apparently it was enough validation for Peter, because he was glowing as he followed Sam to elevators, likely heading to Stark's lab.

"So others don't know what we're talking about," Bucky replied.

"What do you want to discuss?"

Bucky was glad that she didn't suggest moving somewhere more private, not that she would. She knew that Bucky refused to be alone with another person if it wasn't in a public space. It was for his safety as much as others, even if the HYDRA shit was out of his head and the words meant nothing. The only exception to that rule was Steve. He sank into a spot on the couch and ran a hand over his face. Maybe this was a mistake. "It's about me and Steve."

She raised an eyebrow, setting down her crossword. "Okay, I'll bite, are you two having issues?"

"Sort of?" he sighed, "It's nothing serious or anything. It's just--"

Natalia interrupted him, "Wait. Before we get too far, is this a sex thing?"

Bucky wasn't able to hold back his shocked expression despite his ability to mask his emotions when he was an assassin. He nodded, feeling a little sheepish. His counterpart hummed in response and gestured for him to continue. "Well... He's too gentle? Steve's great and all, but he's always treating me like I'm fragile." He leaned his elbows on his knees. "I want to do more than that, it's always the same thing and I want something new. I want something exciting. I want him to rough me up. I'm bored. I don't know what to do."

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