When the Liberal Arts Major Fell for the STEM Major (Part 2)

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The next week, Bucky sat on a couch in Rhodes Hall, one of the science buildings, during his gap between classes. There was a half hour until lab started. He managed to get the last seat by himself, all other armchairs were occupied. Cross-legged, he poured over his literary paper. Bucky loved literature, but this goddamn essay was killing him. He was so immersed in his work he didn't notice that someone set down their bag next to the other side of the couch. When the seat dipped next to him, he looked up and his heart dropped into his stomach.

Of course, it was Steve. And he was talking to Bucky.

Removing an earbud, Bucky asked, "Sorry--what was that?"

"Are you in the lab that I'm TA-ing for?" Steve repeated, looking a little apprehensive. He received a timid nod. "And you've been to Physics Club a few times, yeah?" Another nod. "Cool, cool.... What's your name again?"

"It's Bucky."

The smile Steve gave him made butterflies erupt in his stomach. "That's a fun name. I've never heard it before; how'd you get it?"

"Well," Bucky flushed in his cheeks as he explained, "It's a nickname, actually--it comes from Buchanan."

"So your name is Buchanan?"

"No--well--yes, that's my middle name. James is my first name." His blush deepened; he was incredibly flustered and it was embarrassing.

Steve's grin widened. "That's awesome." Bucky shrugged in response. "It really is--I'm Steve, by the way."

Bucky almost said 'I know,' but held his tongue. Instead, he smiled sheepishly.

"I know it's not any of my business, but why haven't you come to any meetings recently?" Chewing on his bottom lip, Steve was simultaneously adorable and sexy as hell (according to Bucky). "If I'm overstepping, please let me know."

What was he supposed to say? Bucky couldn't tell him that he wasn't going because he was ridiculously attracted to and totally crushing on the co-president. That would be a disaster, especially since Steve was actually talking to him. Think of something, dumbass!

"I've just been busy with coursework, and I haven't had a lot of time to do much else."

It wasn't a complete lie.

Steve hummed. "Yeah, I get that. Sometimes all the work you have can be overwhelming." He tilted his head to the side. It reminded Bucky of a curious puppy. "What's your major?"

"I'm actually a double major: English and History. But I really love math and science, too. So I guess I dabble in everything? I don't know, I'm taking the physics class because I love the subject so much, plus I needed a lab for my gen-eds and major requirements."

"Oh, that's so cool," Steve said cheerfully. "I wasn't great with liberal arts; I'm more of a STEM guy, obviously." The two chuckled a little. "But wow--double major, that's a lot! What year are you?"

Bucky swallowed his pride and revealed, "I'm a first year." Great, now he had no chance with Steve. Why the hell would a senior be interested in a freshman?

"Really? I thought you were at least a junior."

Yep, he definitely didn't have a chance. The ship set sail. Bucky shrugged again. "I get told that I seem older than I really am, but I think it's partly because I'm older than other people in my year."

"Did you do a gap year?" Steve turned, shifting so he faced Bucky and lifting to tuck his ankle under his knee. Their legs touched. He didn't seem to notice; however, Bucky did.

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