Sick and full of pride

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(would you believe me if i told y'all that i based this off of some real life experiences of mine? what can I say? I'm a bit of a slut.)

nsfw writing challenge: in a car

words: 2.5k

All we do is think about the feelings that we hide, all we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign, sick and full of pride, all we do is drive


Late-June weather wasn't exactly pleasant when the air conditioning was broken in Steve's car, though it wasn't insufferable at night. He had the windows down and the air wasn't thick and humid like earlier that day. He sang along to his favorite playlist while he was on the way to pick up his friend, Bucky.

'Friend' wasn't quite the right term. More like  'friend with benefits' or 'fuck buddy.' More like 'ex-boyfriend who he got to sleep with on occasion.' All descriptions were accurate.

Whenever they hung out, they ended up fucking. Steve didn't expect anything different to happen this time around. The issue at hand was since it was late--not that late, only about 8:30pm--Bucky's mom and sisters were home, so his place was out of the question. Steve's parents were home as well, so that didn't work. They didn't have anywhere to go. At least not if they wanted to have sex. That never stopped them before, though.

He saw Bucky standing on the corner as he tried to figure out what their plans were for the evening. Steve picked him up on that corner as always (Bucky's mom didn't know they were still spending time together and he appeared to be perfectly fine with her being completely oblivious). They could act like normal friends for once and just get some food. That seemed highly unlikely. He smiled warmly when Bucky hopped in. "Hey, Buck."

Bucky grinned at him. "Hey, pipsqueak."

"Fuck off!" Steve scoffed. "Where do you want to go? We could grab a bite to eat in the Valley?" He took his foot off the brake and began aimlessly driving. "I'd say we can just go to Ford Park and talk, but it's closed because of flooding."

"Yeah," Bucky hummed. He chewed on his bottom lip. "I don't know. I was thinkin' our high school parking lot would be a good alternative to Ford."

Steve contemplated it. Technically they were allowed to be on the property, however, when he passed by on his way to get Bucky, the lot was filled with what looked to be at least a dozen semi-truck beds. He didn't know why they were there, storage over the summer? He shrugged, "Sure, why not."

Bucky nodded, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Steve pulled a u-turn and added a second thought, "By the way, now that I don't attend there anymore, it's just your high school."

"Bullshit! Just 'cause you graduated, what, a month ago, doesn't mean it's not your school. Don't try that shit, Rogers."

Steve laughed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, man."

They sat in silence for a few minutes until the school came into their line of sight. Steve asked, partly out of curiosity and partly to annoy his companion, "Are you ready for your senior year?"

Bucky groaned in response. He shook his head and didn't say anything more than that. Steve wasn't sure if the head shake was a real answer or a mildly frustrated reaction to his question. He kept his mouth shut, rolling up the front windows most of the way and opening the back ones before turning off the car. He had parked as far away as he possibly could from the school, where he knew there would be cameras. One of the big storage box things blocked the vehicle from the school's view. An added bonus, Steve thought.

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