Ain't no backing down

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Bucky's a stubborn little shit. this one-shot doesn't have a song attached since i couldn't really find one that i thought fit.

words: 1.4k


Sunlight flowed through the blinds in stripes on the wall of Steve's bedroom. Bucky was laying down on the bed, tossing a ball into the air and catching it periodically. He was waiting for Steve to get out of the shower so they could get dinner. They were going to have fast food (Bucky was craving it) despite Steve complaining about how unhealthy of an option it was.

The door swung open and scared Bucky; he fumbled with the ball until it finally landed on his face. Steve laughed as he closed the door behind him, only in a towel. In return, he received a scowl.

As Steve got dressed, Bucky decidedly kept his eyes on the ground as he searched for the ball that rolled somewhere underneath the bed. The two had been friends since elementary school and have seen each other get dressed more than once, but ever since Bucky found out about Steve's crush on him, he had a hard time thinking about Steve in a strictly platonic manner. He was confused; he never thought of his friend like that, yet now he wasn't so sure of his feelings. Their mutual friend, Clint, brought it up to Bucky, thinking he already knew about Steve's infatuation. Clint was incredibly misinformed, and he tried to backtrack once he saw the look on Bucky's face (which didn't work, to say the least). Bucky had known for nearly a month, and he still didn't know how to act around Steve.

"So, where do you wanna go?" asked Bucky, settling back onto the bed with the ball in hand. He began throwing it into the air once more.

Steve groaned. "Do we have to do fast food? You know I'm trying to maintain a good weight for the football season."

"Yes, Stevie, because it's the only thing I can afford at the moment. I'm broke."

"You suck!" Steve scrubbed a hand over his face.

"If you're lucky," Bucky said with a wink.

"I—oh my—I," Steve sputtered, a blush appearing on his cheeks and spreading down his chest. It went past his pectorals and ended at his navel. Shirt in hand, Steve shuffled on his feet. The jeans he wore were low on his hips, a stripe of his boxers peeking out the top.

Thinking it was the most adorable sight, Bucky wasn't embarrassed by his unplanned flirting. He would have been if he hadn't loved Steve's reaction. He drank up Steve's appearance, all glorious and goddamn muscular. Steve was fit as hell, no doubt about it, and Bucky had to keep his sinful thoughts at bay.

Then, at that moment, it hit him like a fucking train. Yep, that was that: Bucky Barnes had a big, gay crush on his best friend.

Because he had no shame, he continued, "I've been told I'm very good with my mouth."

Steve's flush deepened, and Bucky's grin became wider. Bucky had to be realistic, though, just because Steve had a crush on him, didn't mean that was a guarantee for sex (not that Bucky was anticipating it in the first place).

"Oh, yeah?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms. He would have been more intimidating if his cheeks weren't tinted pink. Bucky nodded in response, swallowing his normally silver tongue. "Then prove it."

"Are my ears deceiving me, or is that a challenge, Rogers?"

"You bet your ass it's a challenge."

Oh.... Okay.

Bucky had not intended for Steve's reaction; he expected Steve to get flustered. He expected a rushed topic change and several minutes of awkward tension, but nothing like this.

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