Chapter 2

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"You need to at least try and eat something, Annie," Jason say as he sits at the table in the kitchen. 

I look down at the toast and my stomach rumbles in hunger, yet the very thought of eating it makes me feel sick, "One bite," he coaxes.

Kaitlyn doesn't say anything and neither does Zack, they continue to eat their breakfast without looking in my direction and I'm grateful for that small mercy. I pick up a slice of toast and take a small bite. I try to stop myself gagging as I take another bite.

The kitchen door bangs open as Amy runs in, smiling as she jumps into Zack's open arms.

"Can you make me pancakes?" she asks excitedly and Kaitlyn moans, as if the idea of Zack making pancakes is really troubling.

"Course I can, angel," Zack grins, flashing a mischievous smile over the top of Amy's head at Kaitlyn.

"Fine, but I swear down, Zack, if you wear that damn apron again and start sticking the pancakes to the ceiling, I'm going to kill you," she laughs and receives a kiss as Zack passes her.

"Ok, who's up for pancakes?" Zack asks loudly as he pulls the damn pink apron with baby blue polka dots over his head.

"ME!" Amy shouts happily.

"Why not, but nothing off the ceiling," Kaitlyn laughs. Emily hurries into the kitchen grinning as she looks over at Zack.

"Me too," Emily says.

"Jason, dude, you want some?" Zack asks, slapping Jason on the shoulder.

I look down at my toast, wishing like hell I could jump in and say yes, just for the hell of it, but I know I won't be able to stomach anything more than toast right now.

"Naw, I'm good," Jason says and Zack shrugs.

"Your lose man. I was going to give you the ceiling scraps," Zack laughs and I know Kaitlyn is hiding her smile behind her book.

"What are you reading?" I ask. She looks up, her eyes sparkling.

"Hidden Secrets 2," she says with a smile and I roll my eyes.

"How did you even manage to get hold of that before the release date?" I ask incredulously.

"It seems my fine assed husband has friends is great places, like America," she laughs softly and I shake my head.

"That's right, baby, fine assed husband," Zack grins as he flips the first pancake and Amy smiles brightly.

"What does fine assed mean?" Amy asks and Emily chokes on her juice.

"Oh, that's a naughty word which I shouldn't've used, angel. Don't you say it, ok?" Kaitlyn gushes and I can't help but laugh. That poor kid is going to learn a whole new vocabulary living with Kaitlyn and Zack.

"Oh, you two, honestly; talk about bad influences," her voice makes me pause and my eyes shoot to Jason's in a small, scarcely hidden panic.

Millie is a pretty woman, even though her hair is greying in places and her face is beginning to wrinkle. She has a natural kind of beauty about her that just seems to make her glow. Her hair is in a tight bun at the back of her head today. I cast a glance her way as she enters the kitchen with a file in her arms. 

I know she's only trying to help, but Kaitlyn and I both have a fear of needles since the nurse in our school had butchered our arms trying to find the best place to give us the injection.

Yet the amount of needles Millie has given me over the last few weeks is enough to up my fear of needles to a terror.

"How have you been, Millie?" Kaitlyn asks as she puts her book down and gives the older woman a hug.

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