Chapter 13

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I wake up in his arms and god help me, but the memories of last night come flooding back. If I could, I'd stay in his arms, in the peaceful silence forever, but I know I can't. As much as I want to stay like this, as much as I want Jason as my own, I can't have him. I'm dying. What sort of person would I be, to take what he's offering, only to hurt him so much more when my time is up. If I'd been the same person I once was, if I could rewind time to my birthday and choose to have gone somewhere, anywhere else, then I'd have taken Jason as mine without so much as a second thought.

I love him.

But I can't hurt him. I can never hurt him... he won't want me if he ever found out. If that rogue had not... No, I can't think about this, not here, not now. I'm safe, I'll always be safe with Jason. But I can't let him know, he'd look at me with disgust.

"Annie," Jason murmurs against my neck as he shifts slight.

"Yeah," I say gently. He moves closer to me, mumbling something incoherent under his breath as he takes in a deep breath.

"You smell nice," he murmurs. A soft smile touches my lips, though I know I shouldn't let myself smile. He can't see me though, not right now, he'd never know.

"Thanks, I guess," I force myself to say softly.

"Hmm," his arm tightens around me as he pulls me closer to him and I roll my eyes. He's a terrible morning person. He never wakes up properly for ages. Unless...

"Oh my god, Jason!" I gasp in fake horror.

Moving faster than I could ever, he's out the bed and crouching on the floor, ever the Werewolf, coldly alert. I laugh, I can't help myself. The laugh just builds up inside of me and I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, but it feels good. Looking at his face as he turns to stare at me with shock written all over his face, only causes me to laugh harder.

"That isn't funny, Annie," he growls, crossing his arms over his bare chest. I bite my lip, my shoulders still shaking with laughter, my face reddening as I try to hold myself back.

"I'm sorry," I force out, before I do the most unladylike thing. I snort.

"You think that was funny?" he asks, amusement suddenly sparking in his eyes.

"Yes!" I laugh and then I scream as he jumps at me.

"You scared the shit out of me," he growls as he tackles me to the bed, more gently than I thought was possible at the speed at which he moved toward me.

"That was the idea," I admit.

"Apologise," he says, a smile on his face.

"No," I say stubbornly as he straddles my waist and glares down at me, but he's smiling and I know he's playing with me.

"Fine," he says and I freeze.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"You won't say sorry, then I'll tickle you until you do," he grins.

"Don't you.... dare!" I scream as he tickles me. He tickles me so much that I'm sure I wake Alec up with my screams of laughter.

"Say sorry!" he snarls.

"Nooo!" I laugh.

By the time he asks me again, I can barely breathe, "Ok, ok... I'm sorry," I gasp. He grins triumphantly.

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" he asks and I glare at him playfully. This is who I used to be. The thought shoots across my mind so fast, it leaves me staring at him in silence, "Annie?" he says and I blink.

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