Chapter 15

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As soon as he slips into the bed next to me, my whole body goes on high alert. His arms wrap around me, pulling me back against him and his hand rests lightly on my hip. My skin burns where he touches me and my heart hums. It's taken me a long time after the attack to realise that not all men will hurt me, but I still find myself flinching when some of them touch me. But not Jason, never Jason. I don't flinch when he touches me. I don't feel scared or panicked. Instead, my heart begins to pound in my chest and my skin tingles wherever he touches me. I want him to touch me. I like it when he touches me and kisses me. I trust him more than I trust anyone else.

His lips brush over mine gently and my eyes shoot open. I kiss him back before I can stop myself. He pulls back, looking down at me as I lay there, his eyes asking a silent question. I don't say anything. I can't but I know the answer to his silent question is shining in my eyes. I want him, need him. My skin aches for his touch, my whole body hums for the feel of his skin on mine.

"I want you, Annie," he murmurs and I know without question, he's making sure, in his own way that I'm ready for this, and I am. I'm a fighter, I survived those bastards and I've wanted Jason for so very, very long.

Reaching up carefully, I wrap my hand around the nape of his neck and pull his lips back down to mine, stopping a bare centimetre from kissing him, "I want you too, Jason. I have for so long," I breathe and his eyes shift from human to wolf and then back again, it's so amazing, so transfixing that it leaves me staring intently into his eyes.

"I can't hold back, Annie. My wolf is too close. I don't want to hurt you," he breathes and I moan as he straddles me.

"You won't hurt me," I whisper and this time, he doesn't argue.

I don't think he can. Instead, he closes the distance between our lips and kisses me with so much force, so much need and love that it leaves me breathless. His hands frame my waist, his legs either side of mine and his manhood presses against the most sensitive place on my body. I cry out softly in pleasure, arching up to press against him more firmly and he groans.

The rouges took my virginity, but I'd not given myself willingly. Right now, that doesn't matter. To me this is my first time. I'm willing and needing Jason with every fibre of my body, mind and soul. I love him. I think I always have.

"Touch me," I whisper and I moan when he does exactly that, one of his hands cupping my breast through the material of my top. It isn't enough.

"Annie," he whispers as he pulls his lips from mine and trails kisses down my neck, "I want to mark you, right here," he growls as he flicks he tongue over the most sensitive part of my neck. I gasp and thrust my hands into his hair as his teeth nip at the skin, "Will you let me mark you, Annie?" he breathes.


"Will you let me take you?" he asks seductively and before I can answer, he rocks his erection against me and I cry out breathlessly.

"God, Jason!" I cry. There no more words spoken between us as he shreds my vest top and bra and fills his hands with my breasts.

"Beautiful," he murmurs.

Catching and holding my gaze, he leans down and takes one nipple into his hot, wet mouth. I jerk against him, pressing my head into the pillow as I twist my body under him, wanting to pull away and hold him to me simultaneously. The sensations he's causing inside of me are amazing, unique.

I never understood what Kaitlyn felt toward Zack. She'd once told me that it was as if her very soul belonged to him, that her heart beat solely for him. That her every waking breath was all because of him, that she was a part of him just as much as he was a part of her. It hadn't made sense at the time, but suddenly, it all becomes very clear in a moment of pure clarity.

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