Chapter 4

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I look into his silvery grey eyes. Eyes that fascinate me, for they shine like moonlight. His eyes catch mine, "Forgive me."

I close my eyes. I don't want them to know! If they know Kaitlyn will figure the really secret out, she'll know. She knows me too deeply. She'll see immediately. I know I'm panicking, but I can't help it. She'll look at me with her ebony brown eyes shining with tears. Guilt, sorrow, knowledge it's all bury inside her. She'd look at me with pain, she'd know!

With each passing second, my body grows colder. I try, and fail, to build up the shields I know I need. I feel so cold, so empty and broken. God, please, don't let her understand, don't let her see. Please, don't let her figure it out!

"Zack... I'm sorry," Jason groans and I look at him.

"You know what this means, Jason! You know what will happen. Don't do this," Zack growls.

For the first time I really see the connection the two have. They're more than just friends, they're like brothers. I've caused this drift between them. I made him promise and he's kept his word, but the guilt that swarms me is so intense I feel sick.

"I won't tell you, Luna. I can't tell you," his words shock me and my head snaps up. Kaitlyn's eyes fill with sadness and guilt and she turns into Zack's arms. Hiding herself from view as she lets only Zack see her pain.

"No," I whisper. Jason's eyes meet mine, "No, you can't do that," I whisper, terror fills me as realisation dawns. What's he done? Zack clears his throat and pulls Jason's attention back to him. My eyes move to Zack and I watch in shock as he swallows hard, his eyes sad.

"Jason Lee Carter... you have disobeyed a direct order from your Luna and in doing so, you have disrespected your Alpha and your Pack. I therefore have no other choice, but to strip you of your position in this Pack and ask you to leave Pack territory before dawn," Zack says formally, yet his throat works hard.

"No, you can't do this," I gasp, "Jason," I cry in shock.

His eyes meet mine and my heart falls, his eyes seep into mine, as if he's memorising the colour of them. I shake my head softly.

"Don't leave," I whisper and he looks away from me. I close my eyes to hide the tears.

"I'll be gone by damn," Jason says, his voice is calm, hiding the pain. He stands in one graceful move and leaves the room. He doesn't look back at me, doesn't meet my eyes as he passes me. He doesn't reach out and touch my shoulder like he usually does.

He just leaves the room.

"Take it back," I say to Kaitlyn as she sinks to her knees in front of me.

"I can't. What's done is done. I can't take it back," she cries, tears rolling down her cheeks. I shake my head.

"Take it back!" I scream.

She bites her lip, "I can't!" she cries, "Annie, tell me what's wrong. Do you know something? Are you hiding something? Please, if you tell me, I can help you," she sobs and I feel my anger boil.

"How can you ask me that!?" I shout, "You just forced him to choose! He's lost everything because of me!" I snap, "I won't tell you, not after he's just lost everything keeping my secrets for me," I whisper. I stand up and pain shoots through my leg. I lose my balance as my leg gives out and I hit the floor with a soft cry.

"Annie," Kaitlyn gasps hoarsely, her hand touches my arm and I pull my arms from under her touch.

"Don't," I whisper. I use the wall to claw my way back up, leaning most of my weight against the wall until I'm standing up.

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