Chapter 24

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I don't think twice as I slice my claw across my palm and reach for Annie's hand. I slice her hand in one quick motion and fear fills me when she doesn't make a sound. I clasp our hands together just as Emily and Rafe reach us.

Emily refused to stay at the Pack house this time and even though Zack had argued with her, it had surprisingly been Rafe who'd stepped up and spoke to Zack privately. After which, Zack had nodded to Emily and told her she could come, on the condition she didn't fight and stayed by either his or Rafe's side throughout. She readily agreed.

Annie's back arches off the ground once more and she screams, tears falling as she fights to hold on. Her hand tightens around mine as our blood mixes together and I catch her as she slumps heavily back down. Pressing my lips gently to hers. I mumble soft words of reassurance in her ear; I promise her everything will be ok, even as my heart breaks a thousand times over.

Emily kneels down next to me and she looks over Annie as Annie's cries die on her lips, her body shuddering violently, "We need to get her back to Pack territory. Either Jason is about to die alongside Annie or Annie is about to shift for the first time. Either way, a secure location is best, plus it'll be closer to medical help and supplies," Emily says and I nod. In the last few weeks before I left, I'd seen the difference in Emily, even if Zack hadn't.

Standing, I take Annie with me, my arms hold her securely to me as Zack leads the way back to the cars. The bodies of rogues are scattered around on the forest floor and a few Pack members limp slightly, as others bleed from various injuries, but none are dead and for that, I'm thankful.

The drive back to Pack territory is silent, heavy with worry and the only person in the car who is doing something, is Emily. She constantly checks Annie's pulse, monitors wounds and watches her carefully. Rafe sits at her other side silently, a dark force watching over Emily wordlessly. He never so much as moves and if I wasn't so preoccupied, I would've asked him what was wrong.
Zack and Kaitlyn are up front, driving as fast as he can Zack takes the turn into Pack territory sharply.

"She's healing," Emily finally says and I take my eyes off Annie's face to look down over her and watch closely. I sigh in relief as I see her wounds close up as they should, "Hurry, Zack. She'll be shifting as soon as her body finishes healing," Emily says.

"But the moon has already been and gone past its peak," Kaitlyn says as she turns around in her seat to look back at up.

"She was injured. When a human is changed, if the human is injured just before the full moon, she must heal first. Once healed the moons sway will take over. I estimate about five minutes before she shifts," Emily says and I nod in agreement.

"When a human is changed along with a blood bond, does that affect anything?" Rafe asks quietly. I wouldn't've heard it had I not been sitting right next to Emily.

"I think so. I spoke to an Elder Healer a few days ago... According to him, Annie will only shift after dark," Emily answers and Rafe nods once, his eyes meeting mine and I know he'd asked the question on my behalf.

I'm grateful, yet right now, I don't care if Annie can only become a Werewolf after dark, as long as she's alive, that's all I care about. She's here in my arms, breathing, living and mine. The car pulls to a sudden stop and Zack opens my door a second later. I get out quickly, holding Annie tightly to me as she grips my T-shirt and buries her face against the side of my neck, taking in my scent.

"It's ok, Annie. I promise, it's ok," I whisper gently and she whimpers.

"The change is starting," Zack mutters and I nod. I know that. I take the path into the forest and leave the other pack mates behind. I move as quickly as I can. Going deeper into the forest until I know we're safe and alone. Placing her gently down on the ground, I brush her hair back off her face and look down at her soft features.

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