Chapter 16

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I wake to the sun streaming through the curtains and lighting up the room with a beautiful glow of light. Shifting my body a little, I get myself comfier and it takes me a second to realise that what I thought was a pillow, is actually a warm, naked chest. The night's events play back in my mind and I smile softly. My hand lies palm down on his stomach, his arm is wrapped around my waist and his legs are tangled with mine. We're both still very much naked and I can feel the heat of his skin tracing all the way down mine. I look up carefully, cautious not to wake him as I peer at his sleeping face. 

Even in sleep, he doesn't look relaxed, ever on guard. He looks happy, even though his perfectly sculptured lips remain in a straight line and his eyes are still closed. There's a hard beauty to the man who sleeps with me in his arms; his ruggedly prominent jaw line, his angular cheekbones, his hard, yet gentle lips, they all suit this man perfectly. A hard beauty that no other man would ever or could ever pull off. And he's mine.

"I like you watching me sleep," he murmurs softly. I blush.

"How long have you been awake?" I whisper as he opens his eyes and looks down at me, a soft smile curving his lips.

"Longer than you," he teases and I bury my face against his chest.

His hand slips up the curve of my waist to trail over my back and I moan softly, his thumb grazing ever so slightly across the underside of my breast, before his hand curls around the nape of my neck in what I can only describe as bluntly possessive. I look up at him to find him watching me.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers. He presses his lips to mine and I moan again, louder this time and it earns me a soft growl from this man whose hands are firm but soft, callous but gently. Rolling us carefully, he presses me down into the mattress, his hands slipping to my waist once more as he deepens the kiss. Slipping his tongue into my mouth and gently spreading my legs apart with his, I gasp as my hands fist in his hair.

"Jason," I whisper against his lips and he groans, his hand suddenly cupping my breast as his other slips in between my legs, boldly cupping the heated core of my sex. I cry out, jerking against him as the strong sensations wash over me. God I love him.

"I want you, Annie," he growls against my lips. He peppers a trail of kisses up my jaw to my ear, were he nips at my earlobe.

"I want you too," I breathe.

It doesn't matter that we've made love twice last night, and again in the early hours of the morning. This burning, craving, almost desperate need for him, is beyond logic, it's far beyond understanding and reason, it just is. I want him over me, in me, possessing me, protecting me, loving me until I can't breathe. I love him so much, far more deeply than I ever thought humanly possible... but then again, I'm not exactly human anymore and he never was.

He thrust into me a second later. Almost as if sensing that he doesn't have my whole attention. My hands sink into his hair as I cry his name, but my words are cut off when he takes my lips with his and begins to pull out of me, only to thrust back in strongly a second later. My body aches but I don't care, I need him.

"I love you," he growls.

He pulls me up so we're in a sitting position, his member still filling me. He kisses me hungrily as he hold me against him. My hardened nipples rubbing against his bare chest enticingly and his eyes capture mine as his hands frame my waist.

"I love you too," I say.

A darkness sweeps across his face for a split second, "Even if I have a past?" he whispers softly. So softly I almost miss his words.

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