Chapter 9

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We've been driving for the last two days. Stopping here and there to sleep, but mainly keeping ourselves to ourselves. We left the last motel behind about six hours ago, having made only one pit stop for the bathroom along the way. It's beginning to get dark now, the heaters in the car are on full as Annie sleep softly in the passenger seat.

Since the day she'd went into heat, we hadn't spoken anymore about it. I'd heard her crying in the bathroom that day and I hate myself for having hurt her. I'd probably scared the shit out of her, all but attacking her like that. I hadn't been able to help myself. I couldn't have stopped myself from kissing her the way I had. I hadn't had enough time to react. I was just thankful I hadn't taken things further.

I look over at her now as she sighs gently, curled up in my jacket. Even though it's summer, the nights are cold up this part. We're on Rock Rise Mountain and even I feel the slight breezes up here. We're only a few hours from the city, a day's drive from Hudson Town. It's a farming town on the outskirts of the city and even though Annie and I haven't spoken much, I did fill her in on where we're going.

My ears perked back as I heard the unmistakable sound of her stomach rumbling softly as she sleeps and I vow to pull over at the next stop to get her something to eat. It kills me to see how little she's began to eat. I want to make her better and I blame myself for not being there that night, when she was attacked. I should've been there. I should've been watching over them and instead, I'd got side-tracked and failed. Both Annie and my Luna had been hurt and it was my fault, the worst part of it all was... Zack didn't blame me. His Luna had been hurt, Annie had been hurt and he hadn't blamed me for my incompetence. I'd messed up big time, yet he'd gripped my shoulder and told me it wasn't my fault... but I know it was.

At least she's finally fallen asleep. She'd barley slept all last night, tossing and turning until she'd finally gotten out of bed and sat on the floor. When I'd asked her what she was doing, she said she hadn't wanted to stop me from getting some sleep. I'd ended up picking her up and put her back in bed, she'd fallen asleep, but we'd had to leave two hours later.

Fifteen minutes later, the sky dark and the quarter moon shining, I pull off the empty road and into the car park of a road side cafe. A few cross-country trucks and lorries are parked around, as well as a few cars. I debated waking Annie up, but in the end, I slip out the car in silence and close the car door as quietly as I can, before locking her in. It isn't that I fear her getting out the car, it's what I fear might try and get in, though if Werewolves wanted in, locking the car doors wouldn't stop them. Keeping the car in my line of sight, I walk the short distance to the cafe.

A fluorescent sign hurts my eyes as it shines too brightly in the window of the cafe, announcing it's a 24 hour diner.

Entering the cafe, I automatically take in my surroundings. It's a known fact wolves hate small, enclosed places and the fact that I'm part wolf doesn't stop that fact from including me. I know three things within a few seconds of entering. The first is that the cafe has two other exits not including the one I just came in through. The second is that everyone inside is human. And the third is that two police officers are walking around the cafe, asking questions and indication to a picture that I can't see. Warning bells immediately ring in my head and I'm thankful Annie is in the car, I just hope to god she doesn't wake up and come looking for me. I move toward the counter and place my order to take out. If I walk out within the first few seconds of entering, it'd look suspicion.

"It'll be about five minutes, honey," the woman behind the counter says as I pay.

"Thanks," I say, as I keep a quiet watch on the two cops moving around the cafe.

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