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Today was the day where a couple of students would be chosen to do those special tests with Tony Stark watching their every move.
But Peter was thankfully special, he didn't know it yet though. But that specifically mean he was loved by everyone. . .

"Our 'friendly neighbourhood spiderman' isn't known as friendly, he was seen killing a middle aged woman named May Parker and was now buried. Speaking of neighboorhood, spiderman is no longer roaming our city is he-" the TV at school was switched off.
Peter couldn't stand being known as a villain, also being known for killing his OWN AUNT! It drove him crazy, gossip were spreading around again like an.oil spill.
'I thought he was the good guy' 'He's such a liar' 'Wow, sucks to be him'
It really sucks to be spiderman.
It was assembly and the teachers were talking about how 'superheros affect our life' or how 'our IQ takes us somewhere like Iron Man'
Peter was so dazed away, he didn't hear anything anymore and was focusing on the memory the day his Aunt died, over and over again on how he could save her.

"We have a special announcment to make."  A teacher called out. Still, no listening.
"One student here, was picked to take a special test with Tony Stark to see if they could get the internship" that made Peter snap out. Oh how he wished he could get it, but he probably picked MJ. MJ got it, she's super smart and nice and funny and-
"Our student getting the test is. . ." All the teachers did the drum roll, the students didn't do anything. The teacher coughed it off. "Peter Parker!"
Peters eyes widened in shock. He got it? He got it!
"Stand up for us Petey" and Peter was already straight up. He looked across the crowd and everyone was clapping. Flash still giving him a dirty, but everyone else seemed happy for Peter. He looked over to Ned who was clapping the loudest then Peter looked over to MJ who was smiling at him, she gave a faint clap.
Peter bowed, lots of people whistled and then he sat back down. I really have a chance if getting the Stark Internship! Oh May, if only you were here.

When the assembly finished and people go out, somebody placed a hand over his chest and shoved him back slightly. It was a big man with short locks, a dead straight face. Not happy.

"I'm Happy" Peter gave him a quizzical look. Happy rolled his eyes. "Happy Hogan" Peter nodded and walked away. He was stopped again.
"Tony Stark sent me to get you, you're taking the test now" he walked off. Peter rushed over to him in delight.

"Really?!" Peter said enthusiastically. Happy nodded. "What's it about?"
Happy groaned, he obviously didn't like Peter talking.

"You'll know when you get there" Peter squealed in excitement. He couldn't believe it! Oh the look on Aunt Mays face-
Happy slightly smirked when she saw the look on Peters face when he was excited. They got to the car and Peters jaw dropped.
A black, sleek Audi. It had a shiny exterior and on the inside, it had beige leather, soft and comfortable to sit on. As Peter got in, he had all you can eat snake bar! After all, Peter was starving. He hasn't had much to eat, mostly because he didn't feel like it.
But he only got something small, and apple and a small chocolate bar.
He took his phone out and started vlogging everything, excited about what he's going to be doing and what he will probably eat there.
Oooh what if he met the Avengers in person! It thrilled him dearly.
Aunt May would want the best for him, and she would want Peter to enjoy it.

As Peter got out of the car and looked upon the Stark Tower his heart skipped a beat. He's so happy, he could die.

"C'mon" Happy smirked. They walked inside and stood inside the elevator. "Jarvis, take us to the lab" Happy called out.

"Ofcourse sir" Jarvis obeyed and the lift was rising. Peter didn't even flinch to the words of the Robot. He stood there like it was completely normal.

"You're not scared of Jarvis?" Happy said looking confused. Peter just shook his head. "why?"

"I've read about Tony Stark, his tower, his machines and inventions and the people in this tower and Jarvis was one of the things I've read. It's truely amazing." Peter babbled. Happy just grinned. The elevator 'dinged' and the doors opened. The lab was truely fantastic.
The whole area was covered in lights and screens that you could touch in thin air.
Computers and codes every where as well as little mechanic machines.

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