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Peter was in the hospital, resting in his bed, his legs throbbing with pain. He kept repeating to himself the same thing I'm getting better, I'm getting better
He was starting to get painful throbs in his legs as he worked out, wincing every now and then.
He sat on his phone scrolling through Instagram as he tried to ignore the pain.
Then there was a knock on the door. The door then slightly opened and Clints head popped in.

"Hey loser" Clint teased, making a stupid face afterwards. Peter laughed and tried to hold in the pain boosting up his leg. "How's it going?" Peter made a straight face.

"Same thing again." Peter mumbled, he didn't thing everything was going okay, the pain was killing him, Doctor Octopus was still on the loose, MJ still hasn't talked to him but Ned has and he's missing out on tons of school work. Even though he has only missed a week!
"Wheres Natasha?" Clint made a gagging sound and giggled a bit.

"She's making out with Bruce somewhere" Clint then turned around and wrapped his arms around his self before imitating making out. Peter laughed hysterically and Clint joined in. We love our dorks.
"Yea lol"
Did Clint really just say lol out loud? Peter ignored that.

"Wheres Steve and Tony?" Clint shrugged moving his eyes somewhere else. Natasha and Bruce have told Clint about this gay romance and was told to keep it secret, but Clint was literally sweating because of it.

"No idea! Got to go bye!" Clint blabbered and quickly walked out of the room. Peter sighed and leaned back against his bed, going on his phone again.
Two minutes have passed and there was another knock on the door.

"Clint what now?" Peter shouted with a slight grin on his face.
MJ walks in.
She quickly runs towards Peter and smashes her lips on his, her lips tasted like cherry and her lips were plump and soft. Peter put his hands in her hair, running his hands through it.
As they kissed, eat exchanged, their mouths taking short breathes before hitting towards each other again. Their tongues twirled against each other.

"I'm so sorry" MJ whispered as they kissed. Peter pulled away, looking up into her eyes, a beautiful honey hazel. Gorgeous.
Peter slightly smiled and carresed her cheek.

"Don't be MJ, I'm sorry" Peter whispered back, they both smiled. A tear rolled down MJs face which Peter quickly wiped away with his thumb. They came into a hug and stayed like that way wfor a while. MJs head layed on Peters shoulder and she let out small sobs. Peter closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe.
He rubbed sma circles in the back of MJ and scrunched her hair.

"I missed you Peter." MJ said as she pulled away. "Me and Ned were really worried, we are so sorry that we ignored you and have not given you a chance to explain yourself. This was all our fault." Peter shook his head and had a frown on his face.

"What do you mean? This isn't anyones fault but mine. Don't blame yourself-" Peter stopped after his sentance, hesitant on the next thing he was going to say.
"I love you"


"I love you" Steve said as he breathed heavily, their kisses were rough on each other, the barely took air to breathe. They lived the moment.
Tony took off his shirt quickly and pushed his lips on Steves again.

"I love you too" Tony said under his breathe. They were at minimum clothing, no shirts no pants, only underwear seperating them

Steve brokethe kiss and looked down at Tony. They looked deep into each other eyes and Steve slightly frowned as Tony was lost in space.


"What happens when Peter finds out?" Tony said as he rolled off of Steve, laying on his back, looking at the ceiling.
Steve rolled to his side and faced Tony.

"Why? Is he homophobic?"

"No it's not that" Tony stuttured, he actually did not know what the excuse was, but he thought the most reasonable excuse. "He may just be shocked for a while, wow his dads gay? That's weird he must be straight!" Tony mocked. Steve scoffed a bit.

"Steve, you chose him as your student, now your son. He is special to you, you should be special to him too. I'm pretty sure he can except you for who you are. I mean even Clint has!" Steve debated. He placed his hand on Tonys cheek and moved his face to look at him. He placed a kiss on his neck, then jawline, then cheek, then nose until it landed on his lips.
"I love you for who you are" Steve said softly, Tony gave him a smile. It was rare that Tony felt this way rather than always being anxious and scared and worried! But now, things were kind of better. Until. . .

"Jesus close the door" Bruce said in the doorway, he giggled a bit and snapped a picture before quickly leaving.

"Fucking Bruce" Tony screamed.

Bruce sent it to the Avengers group-

Vision (2 messages)
Wanda (8 messages)
Clint (282 messages)
Natasha💗💗(653 messages)
Steve (25 messages)
Science bro (BRUCE)

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