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Next thing you know, Tony was going on a date with Steve. Well, not really a date. . . Right?
Peter didn't really know what was going on, or who Tony was going out with. All he wanted was for Tony to relax and be happy.
While Peter was back at the hospital, still working on how to walk better without help, Tony was going to a super fancy resturant. He dressed up in a black tuxedo with a long black tie, his hair slicked back, with some black shoes to go with it.
Tony made his way to the front doors of the resturant, his heart racing inside his chest, sweat beads already starting to appear. Tony quickly pulled himself together.
As he walked in you could hear the laughs of people, the clinking on the champagne glasses and the fancy piano music in the background.
He walked over to the counter, where a lovely hostess smiled and quickly pulled out her notepad.

"Oh my god! You're Tony Stark!" She squealed. Tony smirked, he liked the fame. She handed him the notepad and Tony signed it with a little message saying 'Have a great day-'

"What's your name?"

Tony began to write again. 'Have a great day Gina!'
He handed it back to her and she kept a silent scream inside of her.

"Uh- yea, Steve Rogers" Tony mumbled, he was still blushing over it. Just the name of him makes Tony feel warm all over.
Gina scanned the clipboard of reservations until her face brightened.

"Ah! Yes! Steve is already here sir, I'll show you to your table" The hostess offered. She kept the smile on her face, exposing her teeth. Tony was getting annoyed.

"No. No it's okay, thank you" Tony declined, his voice croaky, he felt so scared, there was butterflies in his stomach, bile raising in his throat.
Ginas smile faded, she nodded and grumbled:

"Table 22"
Tony gave a small smile before walking off to the table, his knees were about to buckle any second and his heart was literally going to explode from his chest.
God give me strength. He thought to himself.
As he made his way there, he saw Steve fiddling with his fingers, as he looked up, he saw Tony staring. His face brightened with excitement, but it was also turning pink. Tony chuckled and made his way over to the table.

"Hey Steve" Tony said enthusiastically, he didn't wanna seem awkward. Like, he's Tony Stark! He was supposed to go all out. Right?

"Hey Tony" Steve said brightly. Then there was some silence between them, both trying to hold a laugh, or even a grin. But they both ended up bursting out laughing. "This is so awkward" Steve giggled, Tony laughing along. As they were finally able to cool down, they started to look at the menu, scanning the items and looking at the pictures of the food. Tony made a straight face, Steve just sighing.

"Do you wanna get outta here and eat a burger instead?" Tony said as he leaned across the table, a little smirk spreading across his face. Steve chuckled, and leaned in too. They were inches apart, sharing breathes, eyeing each other. Steve kept looking down at Tonys lips, remembering the time on how he kissed them, they were rough but plumped. He was wondering what it would be like to kiss him again.

"Yea, let's go" Steve agreed, but his voice was quiet. They got up, grabbed their coats and ran outside, laughing as they did it. "Do you know any good burger places?" Steve asked with his hands in his pockets as they walked down the streets late at night. The sky was black with hints of yellow from the sky scrapers light. The sound of cars honking and the sirens wailing was regular. It felt weird that it was peaceful.

"Yea, there's this awesome burger place called McDonalds, I'm not sure if you had it at your time but it is truly delicious" Tony said sarcastically. Steve scoffed and gave Tony a slight nudge, but played on.

"No I don't think they did have McDonalds back then, lets try it out" Tony grinned. They walked their way towards there. Tony had his hands by his side as he walked, letting them flow as he walked. Steve took a hand out of his pocket and linked it with Tonys. Tony quickly looked at Steve in surprise and blushed, Steve smiled at his expression, but leaned in to Tony as they walked. 

When they arrived at McDonalds, Tony ordered for the both of them, but continuously got stares, squeals, glances and photos from the people near by, but they still haven't noticed Captain America was right in front of them. Tony grinned at Steve as he got the attention, Steve rolled his eyes and smiled a bit.

The food was ready. Tony and Steve sat down and tried to enjoy their food in peace. Tony was obviously gobbling down his burger whikst Steve was nibbling it like a mouse.

"You know, if you don't want it, I'll eat it for you" Tony said as he finished off his burger. Steve let out a breathe of relief, he really didn't want to eat a burger. Espically from a place like McDonalds.
He handed it to Tony and leaned back in his chair, watching every move of Tony.
Tony knew he was watching, but thoughr Steve woukd turn away. He didn't.
"What?" Tony eyed Steve, they both let out a soft laugh.

"I'd like to talk to you about Christmas night. Where we kissed. . ." They both looked deeply into each others eyes, Steve being a deep sea blue and Tonys being a lovely dark chocolate.
Tonys nose and cheeks turned a light pink as Steve mentioned it. It was a bad topic, thats where Peter was kidnapped. And Doctor Octopus was still on the loose.
Tony looked down and laughed before looking back at Steve who was smirking.

"Yea, why?" Tony teased. Steve bit his lip, leaning forward, becoming closer and closer to Tony. He examined all his perfect features. A gorgeous diva was what he saw.

"Lets take this outside" Steve whispered. Tony wiggled his eyebrows, grabbed Steves hand and took him outside into an alley.
Steve pushed Tony against the wall, two arms blocking him from moving and leaning in to a passionate kiss.
They both smashes their lips onto each other and used tongues to pick up the pace. Steve nibbled Tonys bottom lip and groaned in satisfaction.
They kissed for a long time, taking short breathes as they broke apart before coming together again.

"Lets take this into a room" Tony huffed. Steve nodded quickly kissing Tony down his neck before grabbing his hand and rushing towards the Stark Tower.

What they didn't know was someone took a picture of both of them. . .

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