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It's the next day and Peter has been greeted by everyone goodbye.
Peter felt as if he was part of a family.
As Peter happily skipped his way to school, everyone was giving him dirties. People were extremely jealous of Peter getting the Stark Internship, not only that, but they were jealous of what he had. 5 star meals, a 'designer bedroom' and a billionare playboy as a guardian! I don't blame them.
Peter kept his head low and walked his way to class. Trying to keep away from eye contact.
He was being called mean names and sometimes would be shoved around. But Peter would simply ignore it. He reslly didn't want to get Mr Stark angry and sue them or something.

Today in class, it was any other ordinary lesson, it was about school shootings and how to keep safe. Peter rolled his eyes at every statement they made because, why would they need to go through these drills when there is Spiderman to come save them but there is the police too.

"We will lock all doors during a shootout and barricade all the doors" Everyone grunted because it was a stupid drill they had to do.
The school got so intrested in this ever since many school shootings happened. So teachers got worried.
"Now if everyone would kindly help?" She asked polietly. Everyone started to get their desks and chairs and started to barricade the door. There was one person outside to test if the door was blocked properly or not. It was.
Then, a gun shot. An actual gunshot.
This wasn't a drill. It wasn't.
The boy outside was screaming to get in, shaking on the door trying to get in. They tried to remove the barricade to get him in but it was too late.
The boy was shot.
Blood splattered across the door and everyone screamed. The boy skidded down, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
Peter quickly opened the window. Trying to escape. He didn't care if anyone saw him, they would think that he just wants to leave.
"PETER!" The teacher screamed in worry. "PETER YOU COME BACK RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Peter jumped outside and ran.

"Sorry Miss Kings!" He shouted, then he got into an alley were no one could see him this time. He changed into the Spider suit he made and thankfully, it fit perfectly.
Peter swung his way towards the school. He heard the students and the police booing as he swung by. He remembered why, everyone thought he killed his Aunt May.
He didn't respond, he went inside the school and walked inside the corridor.

"Hey you!" Peter called out. The school shooter turned around with an AK-47 in his hand. The shooter gave a horrifying smile, making a chill run up Peters spine.
"Why you killing innocent kids?"

"I kill the people that deserved to be killed. So everyone" He pointed a gun at Peter. "Even you" Peter put his hands up and mokingly said.

"I surrender" The shooter fired, the bullets were quick, but spiderman was quicker, his spider sense vibrating everytime. Almost like Peter was shaking. Peter swung his way to where the shooter was, he kicked him in the stomach which knocked the shooter over. The shooter fired again this time, hitting Peter in the shoulder.
Peter yowled in pain and punched the shooter with his other hand. Pain still shot up into his arm.
He tried to take the gun away from the shooter but he was shot again, this time, in his stomach.
Peter couldn't breathe, he kicked the shooter in the face, knocking him out. He took the gun out of his hands and swung away.
He didn't want to bump into anyone. He didn't know what to do. He can't go to the doctor with or without his suit!
He swung to the nearest building and sat there. Coughing up all the blood. His vision was blurry and he was super dizzy.
He tried getting up and ended up falling down. He couldn't moved, he talk or breathe. He's going to see Aunt May. Peter smiled at the thought and decided to just stay where he was.
Here I come Aunt May
He blacked out.

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