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Peter slightly was concious, his eyes squinting a bit.
He heard a yell of a familiar voice, a list of instructions given.
The sound of sirens wailing loudly. Almost causing Peter to be deaf. A face leaned over saying some words that Peter couldn't make out. His hears rang, his vision more blurry.
He blacked out again

Tony sat by his Peters hospital bed. Hands running through his hair and his head in his hands.
He couldn't possibly believe that he was seeing. This child he had specifically picked from the entire school, the child he favoured, the child he really enjoyed spending time with, the child he wished he could adopt, in front of him in a hospital bed, shot twice.
What shocked Tony more was that. . . Peter was Spiderman. He didn't tell him. It was so surprising to know that.
He was going to have a big talk with him.
He could've got himseld hurt multiple times and kept it a secret. He could've been black mailed or been sent a death threat and he'd shove it away.
Tony couldn't believe what Peter was going through.
Peter groaned slightly as he turned to his side. The paper crinckling underneath him. He made a wincing noise and Tony suddenly rushed up. Peter stayed asleep. His wounds must of stung or throbbed.
Tony then stayed there, thinking about what he should say to the others. Right now, he thought he should let everyone know that Peter was Spiderman, but maybe the kid didn't want that. That's why he kept his identity secret.
Peters heart rate was raising. The machines beeps going faster. Peter was turning from side to side and making calls for help, this time, Tony had to wake him up.

"Peter, Peter!" Tony said quietly, shaking Peter awake. Peter opened his eyes and sat up, his breathe fast and heavy.
He had a bad dream.
"Damn, kid. Had me scared there" Peter looked around the room, his face looked confused and scared. His hand rubbed the back of his head and he closed his eyes slightly.

"What happened?" He said, trying to catch his breathe.
Tony took a deep breathe, he wanted Peter to be as calm as possible.

"You were shot trying to save your school as Spiderman" Peters eyes widened and he opened his mouth to argue, but Tony raised his hand to shush him.
"You were swinging around and then collpased on a building. Then I found you, I took off your mask and it was you Peter. You scared the bloody shit outta me"  Tony said anxiously, like the whole thing replaying in his head was scaring him. "I asked the school about you and you were gone. When I found you, I took off your suit and changed you into proper clothes so no one knew you were Spiderman." Peter blushed.
Fuck. He knows I'm Spiderman. I probably wont be it anymore, everyone will know
Peter lowered his head in shame and leaned back, his fingers dragged down his face. This was the worst things Peter expected.
"Don't worry Peter." Tony placed a hand on Peters and squeezed it. He smiled at Peter and Peter smiled awkwardly back, not really knowing what to do.
"Your secret is safe with me" Peters smile was real. He wrapped his arms around Tony and embraced him. Oh, how much he loved Tony. He couldn't believe it, his identity was still a secret.

"Can I still be Spiderman?" Peter finally questioned as he pulles away. Tony stroked his amazing goate.

"Sure. Get hurt again and your grounded from being Spiderman" Tony bargained. Peter grinned in satisfaction.

"Deal. So how long do I have to stay here?" Peter said. His eyes searched the room and his stomach rumbled. He lookes downed and quickly crossed his arms over.

"Just a couple of more days" Peter groaned, it was already so boring here. He couldn't stand the smell of death and sickness, as well as the disgusting food.
"Don't worry, I got some takeout for you." Tony walked over to a bench where there were Chinese takeout boxes with chopsticks dug in.
He handed a box to Peter, Peter scoffed it down. His mouth making incredibly weird sounds that made Tony have a weird face. Peter looked at Tony as he ate and realized that he shouldn't act greedy.
He gave an apologetic smile, Tony just shrugged it off. He ate his noodles silently when he finally said quickly:

"By the way, I've invited MJ too come"

"What?!" Peter yelled. He blushed hard, he's so in love with MJ, it was hard enough for him to just sit there. "WHY?"
Tony laughed, he seemed extremely proud of himself.

"I heard you talk about her before, now is your chance to admit your feelings." He said with an excited tone. There was a knock on the door. "I'll be hiding" He said quietly before hiding somewhere. The door slightly opened.

"Peter?" A beautiful voice said, making Peter feel drousy. MJ, shit!
She popped her head between the door and the frame and scanned the room. She finally saw Peter and walked in.
"Hey Peter." She said awkwardly, she smiled but it seemed as if it was to be nice. She walked in and had flowers in her hand. Sunflowers. She shuffled her way towards Peter and sat on the chair next to him.
"Here. I thought you'd like these best" She murmured. Her eyes not meeting Peters. Peter looked at the flowers in happiness and thankfulness.

"Thank you. Thank you MJ" He said politely. She turned to face him, this time, their eyes meeting. He leaned in for a hug and MJ was flying in his arms. She held on tight. Peter held a muffled groan a she accidently hurt Peters shoulder, but he didn't care. He sniffed MJs hair, it smelt like coconut milk and lavander. Oh how beautiful she smelt.
He closed his eyes and felt calm and peaceful. He felt MJ sob on his shoulder, he placed his hand on her back and rubbed in circles.
"Oh Peter, I was so worried" She sniffed. "I couldn't imagine what it was like with you-" She couldn't finish the sentence, it seemed stuck in her throat. She pulled away and looked down, tears rolling off her face. "Dead" She whispered. Tony in the cornor was admiring how adorable this was, he was probably ready to tell the whole gang this.
Peter lifted MJs head with his two fingers, wiped the tears with his thumb. She gave him a helpless smile. Peter leaned in for kiss, they shared the same breathe. The mouths were almost touching. Tony was screaming silently in the corner. The moment was perfect until-
The door was opened wide. All the Avengers came in, Steve in the front, Clint right behind him. MJ quickly pulled away and grabbed her bag.

"I-I better go" She mumbled, her eyes glued to the floor. Peter reached in to grab her arm but she pulled away.


"Bye Peter" She looked at him, smiled and left. Not looking at a single Avenger. Tony reappered and seemed really pisses at everyone. He was really enjoying the moment, it was almost like his son was getting a first kiss. But it wasn't his son, it was just this random kid with an internship.
Bruce made an awkward face, he knew something happened.
Peter rubbed his face. Everything with MJ was ruined.

"I feel like we came at the wrong time" Clint said sarcastically. Everyone turned to him and started arguing. Peter fell back in his bed and replayed the same moment of him and MJ, except, they actually kissed.

"Ya think?" Tony grunted.

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