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Tony was beside Peter, still gripping tight on his hand.

Peter was still unconscious.

Vision and Wanda came by every now and then, hoping Peter was better, but they were the earliest to leave. Clint and Natasha would stay by longer without leaving to go somewhere, but left as soon as Vision and Wanda had gone. Bruce would stay with Tony for moral support, giving him words of kindness and comfort, telling Tony he'll survive.

"Tony, please relax, you haven't slept in two days. You've drank more than six cups of coffee! Do you think Peter would want this from you?" Bruce said. His voice was scared for Tony but also sweet and calm so Tony doesn't flip. Tony thought long and hard, then nodded his head.

"You're right. Peter would want me to sleep, be relaxed. Thanks Bruce" Tony admitted, but his voice was low and anxious.

"I need to go bud. I'll be here early tomorrow" Bruce smiled, he stood up and patted Tony on his back and left. Tony slowly shut his eyes, his hand still linked with Peters. Please be okay. Please please please please.

Tony shut his eyes and fell asleep.

"Tony, Tony wake up" A hand shook Tonys shoulder. It was a very hard shake. Tony woke up and looked to his side and smile. Steve.  "Hey Tony, how's Peter?" Steve said politely. 

Tony just fell into his arms. He needed someone right now, and that someone is Steve. He held on tight. He sobbed near his chest, he let all the tears fall out. He knew Steve wasn't going to judge him, unlike Bruce who would instantly call him a baby.

"I miss Peter." Tony whispered on Steves chest. His mouth quivered, he was so stressed that his tears just stopped. He had plenty of villains running around the city, he had paparazzi, he had parties to attend and finances to pay, he had to basically look after the Avengers and then there was Peter. His new, adoptive son Peter. The one he most liked at first sight. Steve patted Tonys eyes. Quickly, Tony pulled away. He really needed time alone, carrying out a relationship with Steve would just add more problems to his list. "Go. I need time alone" Tony grunted, he pointed his hand towards the door and looked down, not wanting to face Steve.

"Tony I-"

"GO!" He yelled. Steve just gave a last glance, and left. Tony sat back down aggressively and kept slapping his face. Running his hand multiple times through his hair and rubbing his fingers down his face. Tony looked over Peter. Still unconscious. He had brown, ruffled hair. Beautiful hazel eyes that couldn't be seen now. He had a wonderful smile with dimples on the side. He was a small yet masculine boy.

But none of this would've happened if he was Spider-man.

Tony did not know what to do. Peter loved being Spider-man, and it would shatter him if Tony took it away. But it's also for Peters sake. Tony did not want to go through this again. He should have never been drunk, and allowed Peter to sort his differences by himself. Stupid Tony! 

There was a slight 'hello' behind the curtain. It was a familiar voice, followed by another voice 'peter?' The two young voices walked in. It was Ned and MJ. MJ stood there in horror.  Ned with his jaw open, he dropped the flowers and rushed up to Peter.

"Oh no. Oh no Peter!" Ned said nervously. He looked towards Tony and asked. "What happened?" MJ was still standing in the same spot. Her eyes were watery and a tear fell from her face. Her eyes moved to Tonys, waiting for an explanation. Tony breathed in deeply.

"At the Christmas party, when Ned came and saw Peter. Ned, when you were angry with Peter, he felt very guilty, that's why he rushed into his room, he needed time alone." Tony then turned to MJ. "Peter wanted to talk to Aunt May, he felt he needed to take out all his feelings. That's why he was dressed in his Spider suit to get to the cemetery. When you walked in. It was the wrong time, he was really upset and guilty and sad. That's why I believe that was one of the reasons he got caught without noticing what's happening." Tony sighed and looked to the ground.

"What do you mean caught?" MJ said. Her voice seemed as if she was crying a lot. Her teeth chattered as if she was cold. Tony looked at her quickly before looking back down.

"Vulture caught him before he could come back home. He was in New York, Times Square. He was held up on a giant building and we tried to fight another villain called Doctor Octopus. Peter demanded to be let go. And he was. He fell high from the building. Vulture was caught but that bastard Octopus is still out there. Peter fell onto Captain America, luckily Captain America was strong enough to make sure Peter didn't die. But he was still hit unconscious before he even fell" 

MJ gasped. She put her hands on her face and cried.

Right now, who is most responsible for Peters injury?

Tony left without a word and Ned followed. It was not fair on anyone that loved Peter. He was such an innocent loving kid. MJ sat at the end of the bed and sang quietly:

"Why don't we rewrite the stars say that the world could be ours, tonight?" Small tear drops fell off her face. She let out a slight chuckle because her and Peter loved the greatest showman. She leaned in a slowly pressed her lips against Peters, hoping this would be a sleeping beauty fairy tale. She pulled away. Still unconscious.

MJ turned away and was standing in the corner. She brought the book out that Peter bought her and sat down again.

"Hey Peter" MJ said, her voice slightly fragile but she managed to put a smile on her face. "I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but I miss you. Please come back" She whispered. Still nothing. "In the mean time" Her voice cracked. "I'd like to tell you about the conspiracy theory I have read about the Bermuda Triangle." She began everything, she went on and on in full detail, hoping Peter would listen. She looked down as she talked, Tony was listening as well. Ned was just drowning Tony in questions.

"That was very interesting" Peter mumbled. He nodded his head to the words of MJ. MJ quickly went into Peters arms. "I'm sorry MJ" Peter whispered. MJ pulled away for Tony so he can embrace his son.

"Holy shit Peter" Tony grunted. He gave Peter a tight hug, Peter let it happen. "Please don't ever do that again" Peter chuckled slightly and gave everyone in the room a warm smile.

"By the way you are grounded from Spider-man" 




I'm sorry that this is so cliche and stuff like that, but I'm enjoying it being cliche lmao.

Guys, I'd also like to thank you for reading and voting, it really means a lot. Lmao sorry for also being kind of tight in writing but I did write 3 chapters in a row! Lucky for you. 

Anyways, guys come give me suggestions any time and request anything if you would like a brand new story!

K, thanks!

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