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Peter and MJ sat there for the last hour talking about the conspiracy theories MJ has read from Peters book, Peter sat there in amazement, listening to everything she's saying while MJ babbled her way in detail.
Later on, it was 11:30 at night. MJ checked her phone and her eyes widened.

"SHIT! Oh my parents are going to kill me!" MJ yelled. She quickly got up "Bye Peter" She kissed him on the cheek and left.
Peter blushed a lot. Thinking again to how amazing that kiss was. Until he heard a scream. MJs scream.
"HELP!" She screamed "PETER HELP!" Peter sat straight up and unhooked himself from the machine.

"MJ?!" Peter said loudly, he then heard a cackling laugh. Doctor Octopus.
Peter pushed himself up with his hands and swung his legs on the floor. He tried to stand up and it took a few tries before he did. He took his first step, wobbling then falling again. He failed over and over again.
"Screw it!" He mumbled to himself. He shot his natural web to the window, opened it and swung out.
He got a paper bag before leaving and placed it on his head. As he swung the paper bag was about to fly off. He kept hold of it as he swung and swapped hands.
He was mad. He paralysed him, causing everyone to be ruined and hurt and now he took his beloved Mary Jane.
He was going to kill him.


An hour through trying to calm down the Avengers group chat, Tony got a message from Friday.
Peter has left the hospital, Doctor Octopus has took MJ.

"FUCK!" Tony yelled, he jumped off the bed quickly put on some sweat pants and rushed into his lab to get his suit. As he walked past Wanda she giggled a bit. Tony mocked her and ran towards the lab.
He tapped his reactor and all the armor was levitating towards him. As he got the whole suit on he said anxiously : "Jarvis, send a message to the Avengers about Doctor Octopus and Peter"

"Yes sir"
Before Tony left, he grabbed Peters suit. Tony didn't really give a shit now, and he crashed into the ceiling. Iron man flew through the roof and scanned the entire area.

"Jarvis look for Peter" His heart was racing and he started to shiver. His son was going to get killed. His girlfriend was going to get killed.

And it was all his fault.

"Peter is now in Washington, near the White House"

"Send the location to all the Avengers" Tony said fast and furious. ;)

"Yes sir" Now Tony was off to Washington, going to save his son. Oh, and his sons girlfriend.


Tony made it there in an hour or two, searching the city yet again.

"Jarvis, update?"

"Doctor Octopus has destroyed four houses, two buildings and still has MJ in his hands on top of the White House"
Tony exhaled, his heart still hammering against his chest, his vision was going blurry.
"Sir, you are having an anxiety attack." Tony quickly focused back.

"Me?" Tony sounded confused. He shook of the note Jarvis has given and said nervously "Status update on Peter and the Avengers?"

"Peter is hiding in a location, looking out on Doctor Octopus whilst the Avengers are approximatly five minutes away, about to land"
Tony zoomed off to the White House, praying that the Avengers would be there and Peter would be safe.

"Jarvis, send me Peters location"

"He's right behind the White House sir" Tony was about to laugh. What a stupid place to hide.

"Oh my god Peter" Tony mumbled under his breathe. Tony took the back alley to the White House and tried to be invisible towards Doc Oc. He found Peter hiding there, trying to stand and walk.
"Shit" He grumbled.
He landed next to Peter and got out of his suit. Peter fell on his bum and took off his mask.

"Hey Tony" Peter said guiltily, he knew he was in trouble.

"Oh you are in deep shit kid" Tony said fustrated, Peter cringed a bit at his lecture. "How could your run off? When your fricken paralysed!" Tony huffed and puffed whilst Peter was on the floor listening.
"Oh you are so grounded"

"You do realize there is a super villain on the loose and you're lecturing?" Peter countered. Tony raised both eyebrows in surprise then walked back into his suit.

"Stay here or else you will have an hour lecture, not working in the lab, triple lessons with Natasha and have Vision as youe baby-sitter"

"One, I don't need a baby-sitter and two, Vision is quite nice"

"Shut up and stay here" Tony was off, about to fight Doctor Octopus.
Peter sighed and layed down, trying to think of what to do. He really didn't have any thoughts in mind, so he relaxed for a while until an idea pops up.


Tony stood broad in front of the White House, looking at Doctor Octopus. The menace laughed as he squeezed MJ tighter, she screamed for help. Tony winced, he couldn't stand the sight of it.
Doc Ocs tentacle fell straight into the white house, grabbing a person. The person tries to wiggle out and scream, but was killed as he was thrown away.

"You're next" The Doctor giggled, facing MJ. She screamed more and looked away from the sight of the victim that died.

"Stop this stupid act now!" Tony yelled. The Doctor looked down at him and grinned.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because we said so" A person finished off. Steve. Tony looked beside him and found Steve dressed up all in his Captain America gear. His huge vibranium sheild in front of him. Next to him was a man with goggles and some wings and another guy next to him who had a track of ants behind him.
Clint stood next to Tony and whispered

"Who are they?" Clint shrugged.

"Apparently back up" Tony laughed a bit. And faced back in battle.
All of them in serious mode, facing the menace, all wanting to kill them with their bare hands for what they have done with Peter.

"Lets kill this son of a bitch"

And the battle begins

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