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Peter couldn't sleep the night, he was far too excited. He just wanted to move already.
Peter stayed up all night imagining what he could possibly doing in the Stark Internship. He could be making suits, creating weapons, being part of a family?
Who knew.
But then Peter realized there was something horrible that could happen. . .
What if they figured out he was Spiderman? What if he had to be working and being Spiderman at the same time? They'd not like that.
Oh Aunt May, wish you were here to help.
The thing that made Peter sleep was the fact that Aunt May was watching him, she'd probably be helping him and Peter never knew it.
He went into a deep sleep. No emotions involved. It felt nice to have some good sleep for once.

It was the weekend, there was time for Peter to spend with Aunt May at the cemetary. He invited Ned and MJ to tag along so maybe they can share their story.
Peter was racing his way towards the cemetary, accidently bumping into people.

"Sorry! Sorry about that."
When he made his way to the cemetary, he huffed. Not a single bead of sweat fell onto him.
What can he say, he was athletic.
He was the first to be there, he had alreasy sat down and introduced himself again.
"Hey, Aunt May. It's me, Peter." He said trying to hold in a cry.
His senses were tingling. He quickly turned around and found Ned and MJ walking towards him. They both smiled. MJ put a hand on his shoulder and sat down. Ned got a bouqet of flowers. Sunflowers. Those were Aunt Mays favorite. He gave them to Peter and sat down, Peter placing them in front of him.

"Hey May. It's MJ"

"Hey May, It's Ned"
When they all finally introduced themselves, Peter began talking about everything in the Stark tower.
MJ wasn't that fascinated (because she isn't easily impressed) But Ned was so amazed. His eyes twinkling.
MJ smiled at Neds reaction.

"Wait!" Ned interuppted. "Did you meet the Avengers?" Peter nodded his head fast with a grin on his face.

"Yeah. Oh my god they were awesome." Peter giggled. He felt so giddy every since he went to the Stark tower.
"Aunt May, you were right. The food was good there." Peter still couldn't help but think of Aunt May, how proud she would be, how she would force me to bring left overs for her.
He finally let a tear drop from his cheek. MJ turned him around so that he would face her. Then she let him into her arms. Peter didn't hug at first but then he joined in. He flushed slightly. But they were just friends. Right?
When they pulled apart, Ned went in for a hug, nice, soft and cuddly.
As soon as they broke apart Peter quickly wiped away his tears. Ned patted Peter on the back.
Soon after, they began telling stories to May about things that happened so far. Peter felt his heart warm up, he'd been so blessed to have good friends and luck.
Spiderman, the Stark Internship, May, and his two bestfriends Ned and MJ.

After an hour or two, MJ and Ned left and decided to leave Peter alone. Peter started to then talk about Private stuff like ; His crush on MJ and how he should tell her. Or, how he really wishes Tony Stark would just adopt him.
But it felt good to let out all the emotions Peter had inside him. He did cry a bit, but not as much as before.

Finally, Peter decided to leave. He then caught a glimpse of someone on the corner of his eye.
His eyes widened and he was extremely embarrased, he turned pink.

"Mr Stark?" Tony came out of the shadows and greeted Peter.

"Hey kid, just wanted to check around on you" Tony said nervously.

"Why?" Peter questioned, then he looked kind of anxious himself, "How much have you heard?" Tony laughed slightly.

"Oh nothing, except the part about you having a crush on someone" Tony wiggled his eyebrows. Peter blushed, turning even redder. "I just also wanted to come along and tell you some news" A smile plastered on Peters face.
"Me and Steve" Peter interuppted Tony, an eyebrow raised.

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