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The burial of MJ.
The Avengers, Ned, some teachers in school and family of MJ were at the funeral. Everyone stood there, shocked and sad.
Tears were spilling from the families eyes, Peter trying his best not to cry. The rest of the Avengers stood in silence, not making a noise or saying a word, keeping to themselves.
Peter pleaded to the family to allow the burial to be next to Aunt May. Thankfully, they allowed it.
Peter knelt down next to MJs grave and placed a picture of them two on Christmas, all smiling and happy together, he placed another picture of Peter, Ned and MJ, all on a school trip to Washington. Peter felt tears brimming his eyes, and couldn't help but feel a hole in his heart now.
He placed a set of sunflowers onto her grave and got back up, trying his best to keep back the tears. He remembered their first kiss in the movies, how much they laughed and loved the movie, in the hospital how much they talked, in Christmas how much fun they had. Noe it was all gone. . . Because she was dead.

"Peter. . ." Tony started. Peter shook his head.

"Dont. Let me have this to myself" Peter said harshley, but quickly regreted it and let some tears fall of his face. "I'm sorry" He whispered.
Tony knew what he was going through, it was hard to see the person you love pass away. He led Peter into a hug and Peter accepted it.
Tony kissed the top of his head and let Peter cry his heart out.
"I miss her. . . I really miss her" Peter cried, his voice soft and quiet. Tony felt a hit to the heart, it was so hard to hear Peter this sad. Every since Aunt May died, it took his a huge amount of time for him to recover. Now imagine two people he loved die.
Peter hugged both parents and wished them the best.

Everyone left the funeral, except for Peter. He sat there, feeling his heart sore and his head throbbing. He let more tears stream down and thought more about MJ.

"I love you MJ" He said one last time before leaving the Cemetery. He turnee back one more time, hoping this was all a dream, hoping that MJ would be there, her arms open so he can run into them, hoping he could kiss her soft, warm lips one more time.
He couldn't.
Because everything was real.
She was really dead.
Peter checked his phone after hearing a billion vibrations.
Dad :) (65 messages)
Steve (24 messages)
Ned (262 messages)
Natasha (34 messages)
Bruce (23 messages)
Wanda (67 messages)
Flash (you okay? I heard about MJ?)
What a surprise. Flash being generous for once.
Peter inhaled deeply and walked his way back home with his head down.

At the Avengers tower, everyone left Peter alone, allowing him to grieve. Peter was happy that everyone left him alone because he enjoyed of dealing things himself, as well as his family understanding how much this hurt him. Peter sat in his bed, reading messages from the school, reading the school news letter.
was the title of the school paper. Peter smiled softly when he saw a picture of her smiling on the newsletter. A tear drop fell off his face and his eyes slowly closed. His head was throbbing a lot, all this crying and grieving really hurt.
He took a nap, relaxing. He layed back and slept in his clothes, not really caring.
As Peter slept peacfully, no nightmares, no worries, Tony walked into his room to check up on him and smiled as he did.
He saw Peter fast asleep, curling up into a little ball, his mouth slightly opened. How cute
Tony walked over and placed a blanket on top of Peter then placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight Peter" Tony whispered and he left the room.
As he left he saw Steve waiting at the door.

"Did you tell him?" Tony shook his head, and gave a weak smile.

"It's best to keep it a secret until things cool off" Steve nodded in agreement and placed a small kiss on Tonys lips.

"Goodnight" Steve murmurs. right now, i cannot contain my emotion for Stony omfg. Tony gives Steve a long, passionate make out session and pulls away.

"Goodnight" And they walk off to their seperate areas. Tony in his lab, Steve going to sleep.

Sorry this chapter was short :/ i just thought it was the best way to end it :///
Anyways, thanks for reading :))
Kay bye

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