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The dinner at Tonys Starks Tower was exquisite. The food was almost like a fancy resturant. (which it was except it's in the house) Peter stuffed his face with food and all the Avengers watched in shock as he scoffed down the food. You can't blame him, Peter hasn't eaten in days.

"Peter, why are you so hungry?" Clint blurted out. Wanda slappes his arm. 'What' he mouthed. Peter quickly realized that he was acting like he was a scavenger.

"Sorry." He muttered. Placing his fork down. Wanda placed a hand on his.

"Don't be sorry Peter" she gave Peter a soft smile and he gave a smile back.
"You don't need to share anything if you don't want to"
Tony looked at Wanda and mouthed 'Thank you' she replied with a smile. But Peter insisted.

"No, no, I'll explain so you don't get stuck in a mystery" Peter fake laughed. Steve nodded. He gave a small smile to Peter letting him know 'it's okay'
"It started when my Aunt May died, I missed her cooking, how burnt or horrible it tasted, it was her cooking and I loved her for what she did. When she died, I felt as if I couldn't eat, I missed how she would stand in the kitchen and TRY to cook us a decent meal. It's hard to explain but I hope you get what I mean" Peter said sadly. Tony opened his mouth to say words of comfort before he closed it again in case he made things worse.
Steve placed a hand on Peters back and started rubbing in slow circles.

"don't worry Peter, things will get better" Comforted Steve. It didn't really help, but atleast he was trying. Finally, Peter let out a REAL smile. He looked around him and found all the Avengers staring at Peter, smiling at him.
He felt like he was welcomed.
Like he was at home.

"Peter, where are you living now?" Vision finally spoke. Peter was mostly amazed about Vision, how he looked so much like a human and how powerful he was. But also how much he sounded like a actual human.
Peter smiled at Vision who returned it.

"I'm now living in an apartment until the end of the month, then I'll be sent to an orphanage" Peter said calmly. He didn't want to let anyone down with his stupid sad stories. So he just gave out another smile.
Tony cleared his throat and stood up as if he was making an announcment. Apparently, he was.
Everyone was still enjoying their last bites of their food.
"I have an announcment to make" Everyone stopped to look at Tony, the sound of the forks and knifes clicking on the table echoed across the room. It was silent. Steve looked up at Tony and gave a dazed look, almost like he was going to drool over him.
Peter felt scared, what if he didn't choose Peter for the internship? His hands were shaking but he clenches onto his shirt. Tony looked over to Peter.
"I think it's best to say, Peter" He smiles at him and in a happy voice he cheered "You got the internship!" Peter stood straight up and his jaw dropped, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wanted to jump and scream in excitment let out all his happiness, but he kept a large smile only.
"You'll get to live here at the end of the month, and don't worry, I'll speak to the authorities." Peter had to leave so he could let out his happiness.

"Thank you Mr Stark, I better get going, ya know school and all" Peter said quickly and left to the elevator, going down to the lobby.
Tony laughed and shook his head. Clint and Natasha went to the window to watch Peter walk off and all of a sudden, they started laughing.

"Hey guys, take a look at this" Clint laughed. It was Peter outside, doing some weird dances and jumping around like crazy. He was letting out all his happiness. He violently dabs followed by an amazing backflip.
The Avengers watched in surprise and happiness.

"That. Was an amazing backflip" Bruce blurted. He had to admit, it was pretty impressive to see such a nerd do this type of thing.
Next thing you know Peter was screaming : "WOOOOH" on the top of his lungs, echoing across the whole area. Cats, dogs and neighbours began to yell at him for being too loud.
"sorry" Peter yelled, he still smiled and went back home.
He had a great story to tell Aunt May tomorrow.

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