heaven's gate

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Sad hour and also bittersweet. Read at your own risk. I love you.


Patrick's suicidal. Y/N is too. They're in love with each other just as much as misery is head over heels for the both of them.

They were both sitting on the carpeted floor, across each other, in the living room of the apartment they live in together, with a half-empty bottle of gin in between them.

Both of them are weeping and have verbalized their dark and heavy thoughts. They do this to unload at least a bit of the darkness that they contain inside of their souls and heads, but their darkness seem to be such a major part of their poetic beings, it just hung up like rain clouds above their heads.

Patrick studied Y/N's sorrowful face and he still finds her beautiful. Her bloodshot eyes from the alcohol and from crying slashed his heart, filling up his chest of all the love that he wouldn't run out of pouring to her.

Y/N met Patrick's shattered vibrant blue eyes and suddenly everything went still inside her being, as if the sight of Patrick just magically banished the demons messing around in her head. She could feel that warm rush in her veins again that makes her feel powerful, like she can burn Patrick's demons away with her deep and intense gaze.

Y/N admired how shot Patrick looked; the way the tip of his nose and his cheeks are flushed from crying, the coldness, and the alcohol.

"God, Patrick." Y/N breathed out almost helplessly as she broke down into tears again. "I fucking love you." She admitted for as many times as she had admitted and it always felt like the first time.

Patrick bit his bottom lip to try to stop himself from crying as well, but he failed, forcing a laugh as tears flowed from his beaten eyes. Patrick reached for Y/N's arms, pulling her into him and wrapping her in his arms as he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

"I love you so much, it makes me want to die." Patrick muttered through his clenched teeth. Y/N felt Patrick's body tremble and she only hugged him tighter.

Y/N inhaled Patrick's scent that made her want to give him all the light in this world. "You know how living can be torturous at times, right?" Y/N softly spoke in Patrick's ear. She felt Patrick nod. "It's bittersweet for us, Patrick. Loving you and being alive at the same time with you is both heaven and hell. As much as I want us to die, I don't want to lose you in afterlife. I want to keep having you in this world just as you are."

Patrick lifted his head and looked into Y/N's eyes. She makes him want to be more alive than be dead. "I'm never quitting, Y/N. I'm never giving in to our demons. I want you, Y/N. Only you. I'd live for you over and over again even that means being miserable too." He cracked a smiled and chuckled as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

You smiled back at him, cupping his face with your hands. "We've lived through nights like this, Patrick." You kissed him on the forehead and you suddenly felt a stinging bolt of head-splitting headache.

"I know, mi amor." Patrick quietly said as he caught you in his arms again, gently laying you down on the carpeted floor.

Suddenly Y/N's vision was lost and she felt like her soul was floating on a jelly sea. "P-Patrick, my head hurts. I feel nauseous." Y/N fearfully spoke as tears fell from her eyes.

"It's time for us to leave, Y/N." Patrick spoke as Y/N felt him like down beside , intertwining his cold and trembling fingers with hers.

Y/N let out a choked sob. "W-what did y-you do?" She nearly slurred as her tongue starts to feel numb and her mouth starts to water.

"Poison." Patrick whispered. His grip was loosening. A weak chuckle tumbled out of his lips.

Y/N's lips trembled as she tried so hard to let her words out for the last time. "I want to kiss you."

"When we meet in heaven's gate, we definitely can." Patrick choked out.

The poison plagued their veins just like sleep. After a while, Patrick and Y/N were completely faded to just two limp and life-drained bodies lying on the floor.


Sorry it's weird.

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