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Chapter 16- Can't Breathe

3rd Person P.O.V

(Y/n) was knocked out in the car. They took him to an old train station that was now used as their hideout. Vernon was sitting in his office when Raven told him the news.

They threw him in a room that was by the old train tracks and left him there until they were ready to deal with him. He cried against the cold metal floor and just curled into a ball. He hoped that someone would find him soon.

A man walked down the steps and smirked at him. "Ready to have some fun boy?" He smirked and (Y/n) started to run from him. The man tackled him and placed him on a torture table. He tied him down and took a knife and stabbed him in his thigh and dragged the blade down his thigh. He screamed and screamed in pain and Vernon heard this but just laughed.

The man continued to torture him and stabbed him in his arms and let the blood drip out. He then took some stitching thread and closed up the wounds. "Raven needs you alive so that Vernon van get what he wants." The man smirked and walked back up the stairs. He was proud of his work and went to report what he did to Raven.


Back at home Destiny and Sehun were calling anyone that could help them and no one saw them take (Y/n) moments ago. They told Taehyung to eat some brownies and play his game to calm him down while they figured out what in the hell was going on.

They both knew that Raven took (Y/n) the main problem was that they needed to find out where he was and they knew that it wouldn't be an easy task. Destiny decided that they shoulf call the police and they did that. The police came over and they explained everything that happened and every single detail.

"Hmm and you said that the girls name is Raven?" They nodded. "Well we definitely know who she is." The officer looked at them. "She works for a Mafia-like company. She is known to kill people for money. That group works like assassins and they change their location all of the time. It would always be hard to locate them but we will do our best." He sighed. "For years we have been trying to find them and take them all in. But it has failed at every turn. Hopefully we can get them and take them all down."

After discussing with the police a bit more they knew what needed to be done and then the police left. "Okay since we know that they are a company. We have to find their last known locations. If we can find clues that will lead us to where (Y/n) is then we can have him home sooner.

They didn't want Taehyung to be involved with this dangerous work so they dropped him off at (Y/n)'s parents house. They explained the situation to them and his mother almost fell over. "You two be careful. I expect to see you, my daughter, and my son in one piece." She told Sehun and he nodded. "You have my word Mrs.(L/n)."

After leaving Taehyung with his grandparents, Sehun and Destiny set out to find one of their locations. They arrived at an old factory by the sea and sighed. "This is a typical place to hide a mafia group." Destiny stated.

They saw a man and when he noticed them he started to run. Sehun caught up to the male and grabbed him. "Hi. We want you to tell us anything you know about a mafia group called Black Sigma." The man gulped. "Not here. Meet me at this cafe in an hour." The man showed them directions snd they went there.


Vernon walked down to where (Y/n) was being held. "My beautiful ex boyfriend. Look at you. So helpless. So defenseless. I could take advantage of you right here. But I wont do that since I have my future wife waiting for me upstairs. Ill have my friend come here and deal with you." He laughed and walked back up the stairs.

(Y/n) sat there and just cried. He couldn't imagine the thought of being in anymore pain than what be was dealing with currently. He didn't know what day it was. He didn't know the time. All he knew was that it had been so long since he seen the sun.

Soon the same man from before came back and had an electric machine. He hooked it up to (Y/n)'s stomach and shot so many electric volts to his stomach. The male cried out in pain as the man turned up the intensity.

The screams that came from (Y/n) were music to Vernon and Raven's ears. They sat there enjoying the sound and people around them laughed. The man stopped using the machine then took a knife and made little cuts in between every toe on both feet so that when (Y/n) woukd stretch them out or squeeze them shut it would hurt. He took out lemon juice and poured it over the little cuts and it made (Y/n) cry in pain.

He hoped that all of this was a nightmare that he would wake up from. The man stopped what he did and smirked. "Goodnight my science project. Tomorrow we can play some more." The man laughed and walked upstairs. 'Sehun please come...' He thought before passing out from all the pain.


Sehun and Destiny were sitting in the cafe waiting for the man they met earlier. He soon arrived and looked at them. "Hello." He smiled slightly at them. "Hi can you tell us what you know?" He nodded and Destiny listened closely as well as Sehun.

"I used to be a prisoner there. It was very scary living there. Not seeing my family for weeks, months, came close to a year at one point. And that happened to me because I wanted to quit the job they assigned. They didn't care. All they wanted was the money." He sighed and sipped his coffee. "How did you escape?" She asked.

"Well I managed to get out of there when they were changing locations. They ended up going to a factory on Harrison ave." He sighed. "I just don't speak about it anymore to anyone. I now live at home with my family and we are very far from where they are now. I only go back there when I need to think. I know it isn't ideal. But that place taught me how to be stronger and not let people walk all over me." He sighed. "That's all I know."

"Thank you. You've helped a lot." Sehun told him. "I hope you can find your friend soon. And I pray that he is alright when you do find him." The man smiled and left the cafe. Destiny and Sehun went to the car and drove home. They knew where they were headed first thing in the morning. 'I'm coming baby.' Sehun sighed as they went home.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you all thought about this chapter! Do you think that (Y/n) will die before they find him? Who is your favorite character so far?(besides yourself lol). Make sure to comment your thoughts and vote and I'll see you in the next chapter bye lovesss 💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕

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