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Chapter 11- Scars are more than skin deep

A/n: the song above is good to listen to as you read. My best friend told me about his music and I fell in love 😭😭❤

3rd Person P.O.V

That night (Y/n) was sitting on his bed crying. The thoughts of being hurt again like that crossed his mind. The trauma and effect Versons poisonous actions had on him were horrid. He knew that he couldn't treat Sehun horribly because of it.

He got up and wiped his eyes. He walked over to Taehyungs room and tucked him into bed. He turned his light off in his Room. "Good night mom." Taehyung said and (Y/n) smiled. "Good night Tae."

What hurt him the most about all of this was that he couldn't tell his own son about the horrid things that his father did. Taehyung only knows the things he saw. He knew not to ask (Y/n) about them cause he saw the pain it caused. All he knew was that he was never going to be like his father. All he wanted was for his mom to be happy and seeing (Y/n) cry is what hurt Taehyung the most.

(Y/n) decided to shower since he needed to and felt like it would cheer him up. He used the one in his room and took a rather long shower. He finished and slid on some boxers and a T-shirt. He went on Instagram and watched some videos to cheer him up.

After a while Sehun walked up the stairs and headed to (Y/n)'s bedroom. He knocked on the door. "Come in" was heard and he walked in. "(Y/n) I didn't mean to upset you." (Y/n) nodded. "I know I shouldn't have ran. I'm just scared to be hurt again. What Vernon did left scars and not just physical ones."

Sehun sat next to him on the bed and wrapped his arms around the male. In this moment it felt like they had switched roles and (Y/n) was now the patient. "When I said that to you earlier. I meant it." (Y/n) nodded snd relaxed in Sehun arms. He knew that it wss going to take A lot to be able to heal but he had trust in Sehun.

That same night (Y/n) and Sehun cuddled. They laid there and just enjoyed each others warmth. Soon they both fell asleep and were content with everything at the moment.


(Y/n)'s alarm rang the next morning and he was still sleeping but Sehun got up and decided to help Taehyung get ready for school. Since (Y/n) slept late he had to rush to drive Taehyung to school. He didn't want him to take the bus since there were mean kids there. "Mom ill be fine you go sleep. I can handle the bus." (Y/n) yawned. "Fine. But if I see one bruise on your skin you aren't taking the bus anymore." Taehyung nodded and walked to the bus stop. He got on the school bus and sat down in a seat then headed to school.

Sehun turned to him. "Bed. Now." He looked at him. "You need rest." (Y/n) groaned and went to his room to sleep his pain away.


He woke up again and Sehun was next to him asleep as well. He thought back to the pain he endured when he was with Vernon and felt tears fall again.

Flash back starts

"You stupid whore! Why don't you get a life! Your a waste of space you pathetic trash! You can't do anything right!" Vernon used the knife he had and stabbed (Y/n)'s leg. He fell to the floor and was bleeding he screamed in pain and Taehyung had seen what happened and ran to (Y/n). Vernon threw the knife across the room and left the house.

(Y/n) and Taehyung sat there crying. Taehyung ran to his mothers phone and called Destiny. He explained what happened and she was over as soon as possible. "OH MY GOD!" She ran over and tried to stop the blood from spilling out of her brothers leg. "Call an ambulance!" She told Taehyung and he dialed 911.

They came and removed a now passed out (Y/n) from the kitchen and took him to the hospital. Destiny grabbed Taehyung and took him to her car and they followed the ambulance to the hospital.

They arrived and saw (Y/n) his room. "That bastards gonna pay for what he did." Destiny hugged her brother and cried with him.

Flashback ends

That day was a horrible one amongst other bad days that were worse. Sehun heard him cry and tighten his hold around the male and kissed the back of his neck multiple times. "You'll be okay love. I promise." Sehun made him feel safe and wanted to know more about this feeling. He needed to be happy once again and was going to allow himself to be happy.


Soon it was time to get Taehyung from school again and Destiny picked him up today. She arrived at her brothers house and saw him on the couch with Sehun making coffee for him. "Oh hello-" she smiled at Sehun. "I'm Destiny, (Y/n)'s sister." She shook his hand and walked to (Y/n).  "Are you okay? Taehyung informed me on what happened." He nodded. "Thanks to Sehun I was able to calm down." She smiled slightly at the male. "Thank you for keeping him safe."

She walked over to Taehyung to help him with his homework since she was a tutor. Sehun was comforting (Y/n) and the rest of the evening went smoothly.

Destiny had to head home but before she did she pulled Sehun to the side to speak to him. "If you intend on dating my brother. Just know that he comes with a lot of baggage. He suffered from a lot in the past so you need to be prepared to handle all of it." He nodded at her. "I know and I am. I am going to protect him with my life." She nodded in thanks. "Alright. Ill be going." She smiled and left.

Sehun helped get Taehyung ready for bed and then took (Y/n) to his room to rest. "If you need me. I'm downstairs okay?" He nodded and Sehun planted a kiss on his cheek before heading to his room. 'Im not letting that bastard harm this family any longer.' He thought and got settled in bed before falling asleep.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you thought about the chapter! Do you think that it will get worse when Vernon comes back? Do you think he will harm Sehun? Make sure to comment your thoughts and ill see you all in the next chapter bye lovesss 💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕

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