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Chapter 01- How it all started

Your P.O.V

My eyes shot open after having those horrid nightmares again. I kept dreaming that I was being killed and tortured. My friend Jess says that it's probably cause of my job as a nurse. I ignore her when she mentions that. I loved working at the hospital it gave me a sense of purpose. It actually took me a few years to be able to work with patients that have been in traumatizing attacks. The injuries were very brutal, but I always came out unfazed by it.

I grabbed my phone scanning through all of my notifications and saw that my sister, Destiny (L/n). Is throwing a party for her friend since it was the boys birthday. Everyone has been trying to get me to date but I never have the time to date. I'm always busy doing something or just being distracted by something. I don't know how to really explain it but I just don't manage time well.

And if I do go on a date it will never end well. The guy always ends up making me feel uncomfortable or he'll stay silent once he's run out of shit to talk about. In any case, I shouldn't be caring about that. I only have time for my job and my adopted Son, Taehyung. Who happens to be turning 10 years old. For some odd reason when I adopted him he kept calling me his mother and cried when he saw me. But it wasn't a sad cry, yet, it was a happy one. I knew I couldn't leave him there to when he was 4 I took him in as my own. From then on I've been a single mom, well dad. I am whatever Tae Tae sees me as.


I was soon dressed for work and I got Taehyung dressed. I drove him to school and watched him walk out of the car once he reached his school. "Love you Tae Tae." I smiled and blew a kiss at him. "Bye Mom!"  He ran off to his friends and I drove off to work.

Taehyung has always wanted me to adopt another sibling for him. He's always wanted someone to play with at home when I am at work and Destiny is watching them.

I wanted to wait until I found a boyfriend but, I knew how badly Tae wanted a little sibling. So I was thinking of adopting another little boy so he could have a brother. I sighed to myself as I parked my car in the hospital parking lot.

My co-worker Jenny was smoking a cigarette and yelling while on the phone. I smiled at her and chuckled. "You know for a nurse you sure love smoking." I teased and walked into my lovely job and went to my floor to check in. "Morning (Y/n)!" I smiled at my boss. "Morning sir!" I clocked in and went to my nursing station and turned on my computer before taking a sip of my coffee.

I opened up all of the emails and got to work on what needed to be done. A Man was hospitalized today because of a Killer Whale attack. He was swimming and the Killer Whale bit into his leg, foot, and thigh. The coast guard managed to get him out of there before the Orca could attack once more.

Before I could go and check on him my boss led me to other patients. I didn't dare argue with him so I just went with the flow of things As he brought me to some more patients. I was stocking up the towels and IV bags for the patients. I helped deliver a baby with my friend. I havent done that in a while. But there weren't many people working today so I helped out.

I made it back to my nursing station. I looked at the computer seeing that the patient was taken care of. I looked over at my friend. "Hey Leslie what did that patient need." She turned to me. "That person is troublesome. He kept yelling for someone and we had to put him to sleep." I nodded and the red light went off by his number. "Hmm I got this one. You just head home to your kids." I smiled and looked at the room number. '130. Got it.'


I made it up to the room and walked down the hall. The other patients were groaning and in pain. I really felt bad for them. I opened the door to his room. "Yes sir-" I looked at him and started at him. His face was beautiful. I was really captivated by him. "Is there anything you need? My name is Nurse (Y/n). I'll be here to help with your everyday needs."

He looked at me and smiled slightly. I saw his wounds and sighed. "Well here take your medication and I'll bring your dinner to you. Mr. Oh Sehun."

When I said his name he lit up. "Thank you Nurse (Y-Y/n)." I held his hand. "Shh just take your medication. You'll have time to eat and rest. I'll be back tomorrow morning to check up on you." He smiled and I felt him squeeze my hand. "S-Sir...let go of my hand. I need to be home soon." His grip got tighter.

"PLEASE STAY (Y/N)!!!" I fell back onto the floor after I nudged my arm out of  his grip. A purple bruise started to form. "Sir you need to take your medicine." I handed him his medicine and it put him right to sleep.

I let out a sigh and left his room locking the door. I went down the hall and back to my station. 'That was weird, why did he want me there...' I washed my hands in the bathroom and came out to gather my things. My boss left and I clocked out of work. I made it to my car and got in before driving home.


Taehyung was playing the Xbox in his room and I was cooking dinner. Destiny was sitting by the dining table and was on her phone. "So he just grabbed your wrist?" I nodded. "Yeah I don't know why. He wanted me there and it was really weird.

I took out Three bowls and filled them with spaghetti and placed one in front of Destiny and one next to her and one across. "TAE! DINNER." He ran down the stairs and sat at the table. He smiled. "Thanks Mom!" I smiled. "No problem sweetie." I looked at him and we all dug in and chatted about our day. "Mom can I dye my hair blonde?" I looked up at him. "Not platinum blonde. You can do light brown. But not blonde yet." He pouted "Why not?" I chuckled. "Well your only 10 Tae. Maybe when you are 16." He sighed. "Fine. I'll do the light brown."

Later in the night Destiny went home and I tucked Tae into bed before heading to my room to go to sleep. 'Oh Sehun where have I heard that before?' Was my last thought before I went to sleep.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this first Chapter! I can't wait to write more for you guys! Be sure to vote and comment! And I'll see you in the next one bye lovesss ❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕❤

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