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Chapter 18- Finding You

3rd Person P.O.V

It was night time when the men came back and (Y/n) was ready for what they were gonna do to him. The man walked down the stairs and took out his knife he stabbed the male in his foot and poured rubbing alcohol on his cut and the male screamed.

He knew to fight through it and was going to try his best to do so. The man didn't do much else but pour the alcohol over all his wounds. "Consider this a break day." The man spoke in an evil tone and headed back up the stairs.

(Y/N) could feel that he would be out of this hell hole soon. He had more hope and had a lot of faith in Sehun and Destiny. He hoped that this would be his last day of enduring this pain.

He woke up tbe next morning and heard more chatter upstairs and got a little nervous. Vernon wanted (Y/n) to be tortured even more and Raven was willing to carry out that task for her future husband.

They sent the man down there and he took his knife out and stabbed him in his thighs again he made marks that were shaped in the letter x. He then put salt on the wounds causing them to hurt even more. (Y/n) started screaming more and more. He felt that he was going to loose his voice by the time he left this shit hole.

The man smirked at his work and left him there. "Your skin looks so beautiful now that I've marked it up." He smirked and walked back up the stairs. (Y/n) still wasn't going to give up on the thought of being free. He fought through the pain and stayed strong. He had to, there was no other way.


Destiny and Sehun drove to the police station that same morning and gave them all the evidence and they were able to get a location on the new facility. It was an hour long drive but the police were willing to go the extra mile since they were about to catch these criminals.

They called in the swat team and every single cop that was on duty. Sehun and Destiny would lead the way and the police would move in soon after.

Sehun and Destiny parked the car in the train station. When they arrived Vernon had (Y/n) held at gun point. A gun was pressed into his head and Raven stood there as he was holding the gun. "Move any closer and you will see how fast silver bullets can run through his head." Vernon spoke.

Sehun wanted to grab (Y/n) and take him away from this but he couldn't risk the males life. "Give me my son and he won't die." Destiny shook her head. "Your a monster. You don't deserve to call Taehyung your son."

Vernon got mad and his finger went on the trigger of the gun. Sehun walked closer and so did Destiny. He had a teaser behind his back when Vernon wasn't paying attention, Sehun shot him with the tase gun. Soon after the police and swat team moved in and got handcuffs on every single worker there. Raven was thrown into hancuffs and so was Vernon.

Sehun ran to (Y/n) and picked him up. "I'm here and no one can hurt you now." He smiled and kissed the boys lips. "I'm keeping you safe." He smiled and put him down. He went to go but his sister and then the ambulance took a look at all of his wounds and fixed him up.

The police were still inside collecting all of the workers and papers of their next victims. Some tried running away but ended up getting caught and hand cuffed.

The ambulance finished giving (Y/n) the proper bandages and healing him. He walked back to Sehun and his sister. "Thank you both for coming to get me. For a while I thought that I wouldn't be found." He smiled. "But then I just had this sudden fight left in me and I realized that I can't loose hope. I'm just glad he is truly gone and there is no one that could bail him out this time."

They all did a group hug. "Where has Taehyung been these past few days?" He asked. "Has he been to school?" Destiny nodded. "He's with mom and dad." (Y/n) Let out a sigh of relief. "Well before I go see him, I need to shower, wear some actual clothing and find some shoes cause this sidewalk is hurting my feet."

Sehun chuckled and nodded. "Okay princess lets go home." Destiny laughed and the three of them got in the car and headed home. The police had the entire building cleared out and eyeryone who was apart of black sigma was heading to a federal prison.


It was the middle of the afternoon when they arrived at (Y/n)'s parents house. He was dressed and now clean. He finally had some decent shoes on his feet and rang the bell to his parents house. His mom opened the door and immediately hugged him. "Taehyung look whos home!" She yelled and he ran over. After making eye contact with (Y/n) he ran to him and started crying. "Mommy! I missed you." They hugged and now (Y/n) was crying.

Now that his mother was back, Taehyung was finally happy. He felt a sudden surge of happiness run through him. They all went inside to talk about a lot of things that went on while (Y/n) was gone.

They played a whole lot of games and talked about many things. They just spent the rest of the day talking and enjoyed family time. (Y/n) was truly happy to be back and only wanted good things to come out of this.

The sun went down and it was now getting late. It was a Friday so Taehyung didn't have school but (Y/n) missed being in his house. They left his parents house and Destiny went back home with them.

They arrived and Taehyung ran around. He walked to his room and threw himself into his bed. Destiny, (Y/n), and Sehun were all having wine. They chatted over simple things then destiny went to her house. Sehun hugged (Y/n). "I missed you a lot and I went crazy. I thought you were gone." He pressed their foreheads together."I thought that I would be gone forever." 

They leaned in and kissed. This kiss was slow and passionate. It was full of love and longing affection. They both missed each other. It was the most beautiful thing anyone could see.

To both of them, their relationship came natural. They didn't feel forced to be together. They became friends first and Sehun asked the boy on a date then the rest is history. He was glad that he was given a second chance at life. He finally had his boyfriend back in his life and he wouldn't trade it for anythinh else in the world.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you thought about this chapter? How do you feel, now that Vernon is in jail? Do you think Taehyung should forgive his father? Make sure to comment your thoughts and vote! And ill see you in the next chapter bye lovesss ❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕💕❤

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