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Chapter 08- Hell No

3rd Person P.O.V

Sehun was lying in the hospital bed that. Night and he was only thinking about (Y/n). He wanted ro help the male, but he knew that he couldn't right away. And if he did, he had strong feeling that (Y/n) would be really weirded out.

He stared at the ceiling since he couldn't sleep. The constant thought of (Y/n) being alone worried him. It worried him even more because he didn't have the males number. Throughout the night the male has all sorts of worries. He couldn't help but wonder if (Y/n) was okay.

He decided to get up and walk to the door. The doctor and (Y/n) both told him that he should stay in bed due to the fact that he had severe injuries. Sehun, not caring about their words of caution, was walking towards the door. Blood was dripping from his legs and the IV cart was being draagged from behind him. He opened the door and poked his head out.

Sehun didn't hear anything unusual, but the nurses who ran the night shift were talking. He walked towards them and one of the Nurses stood up. "Mr. Oh! Please stop moving there is blood all over the floor. If you needed something you should have called us!"  The woman groaned and called a Janitor. Then the other nurse who was more kind took Sehun back to his room.

"Why did you walk over to us?" She asked as she started to stitch his wounds close. He was in alot of pain but didn't let it show. He decided to tell her why he really went there. "Well..I just wanted to have Nurse (Y/n)'s phone number." The woman giggled. "You know you could ask him in about 8 hours. Im sure he will give it to you. Now rest up. Tomorrow you start physical therapy." Sehun groaned and nodded. He then pulled the blanket over himself and fell asleep.


Soon the sun was back and Sehun was busy sleeping. (Y/n) had arrived at work a little late due to him having to drive Taehyung to school. Once again Vernon was slowly returning to his old ways. (Y/n) never understood the way Vernon thinks but all he does understand is that Vernon can't keep up or even try to be consistent with his promises.

(Y/n) Clocked in at work then headed to the computer to check if anything happened to Sehun overnight. "Why was he walking last night?" The other nurse giggled. "Maybe you should ask him that." She went to go check on her patient that was down the hall.

(Y/n) got up and sighed in defeat. He grabbed the Breakfast cart for Sehun and walked to his room. He walked in and pushed the cart towards the males bed and saw that he was asleep. 'Aish' he thought and looked at the clipboard. 'Looks like i have to take him to the physical therapy center.' He put the clipboard down and went to grab a wheelchair. When he came back Sehun was sitting up and on his phone.

"Good Morning Sehun! Today I have to take you to physical therapy. You need to start being able to walk better.  So I will start stitching up your wounds better so that you won't bleed every where." Sehun sighed even though he didn't want to do it. He knew that this was something that needed to be done in order for him to get better.

The food at the hospital wasn't the best but he had to eat it since it was the only food source available. Once he was finished (Y/n) took off all of the gauze and tissue that was stopping the blood. He took a good look at Sehun's legs then also at his feet since the male had a few stitches on them.

(Y/n) went to the cart and grabbed the tools he needed to get the job done. He put on a fresh pair of gloves, took out the stitching thread, more gauze pads, bandages and ointment. First he started with the left leg and took out the old stitching that was in his thigh. The same nurse from earlier was helping (Y/n). "Sunmi can you start cleaning the blood on his other leg while I re-apply new stitches since he caused the old ones to rip out." Sehun rolled his eyes.

After what had seemed like an hour, the two were finally done and Sehun had stronger and new stitches. "Now I am going to take you to Physical Therapy." Sunmi and (Y/n) lifted up Sehun and placed him on the wheelchair. Once he was strapped in, (Y/n) took him to his physical therapy appointment.

Since Sehun couldn't do much, they made him sit in a massage tub with water. They removed his bandages and let him sit in the tub with his stitches in. The water allows the wound to heal a bit faster and helps clean the wound. Sehun was told to move his legs in the water while he sat down. "I meant to ask you something Sehun, but I'll wait till later." After that, (Y/n) walked off and headed back to his nursing station.


It was now nighttime and Sehun was back in his room after a long day of physical therapy. (Y/n) had just got off the phone with his son. He was leaving work soon so he would be able to see Taehyung and see how his day went.

"Okay Sehun. Everything looks normal and the Physical Therapy instructor said that you were able to do a lot of the activities. So that is good-" Sehun looked at him. "My legs hurt while I did it but I had to push through. Also you did say you wanted to ask me something."

(Y/n) wrote down what Sehun had said before he was reminded of the question he wanted to ask. "Oh right. I was wondering why you left your room last night." Sehun chuckled. "Well I was gonna ask one of the nurses to give me your number."

(Y/n) felt his ears heat up. "O-Okay." He smiled nervously and wrote it down. "Call me if you need anything. Have a good night!" He smiled and walked out then headed home.

That night Sehun was able to sleep better knowing that (Y/n) was a phone call away.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to vote and comment! Let me know what you thought about this chapter! And ill see you in the next one bye lovesss 💕❤💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕

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