More McPriceley Because I Can't hELp It

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A/N: Aight so this is gonna take place in High School.... Because yes. Also, this might not make as much sense if you're not in band, but just go with it, I got this idea right after band practice XD

(Connor's POV)

          As the marching band was getting ready for the football game, all I could think about was Kevin Price. He was on the football team, so I knew I'd get to see him when we get to the field.

          I got dressed in my uniform, putting away my garment bag and tucking my red hair into my shako (A/N: IT'S A MARCHING BAND HAT, YOU FOOLS!). Once the band was completely ready to go, I got in line with everyone else. Clarinet in hand, I started marching up to the football field stands. The minute I stepped foot on the field, I saw Kevin.

          He was prepping for the game, stretching out and jogging laps. All I could do was stare. I was mesmerized by his gorgeous brown, floofy hair. Which, might I add, compliment his eyes perfectly. I didn't realize it at the time, but I slowed down a lot while staring at Price.

          "Psssst! Connor! Stay on step and please hurry up!" My friend Chris whispered from behind me.

          He nudged me with his flute, making me snap out of my trance. I quickly sprinted forwards so I was in line and corrected my steps.

          We soon got to the stands, taking out our prep music and drinking water. I used to get extremely bored at watching football, but now that Kevin Price was on the team, I actually had something to watch. Every time he'd make a touchdown or tackle a teammate on the opposing team, I would cheer louder than everyone else and play with more spirit than every other band member combined.

          Soon, it was time for our half-time performance. I was especially nervous when I found out Kevin was staying to watch the show.

          I marched almost flawlessly up until a certain point. In our last song, I had a solo. On the 50 yard line, on the home sideline. It just to happened to be that Kevin was sitting right in front of where I was standing. He wore a beautiful smile. When it came time for my solo, I looked away from Kevin so I could play it correctly. Before I had to march to a different spot, I snuck a glance at him. I could've sworn he winked at me.

          Once the half-time show was over, I changed out of my band uniform. I was still daydreaming about Price, so I didn't notice someone walk up behind me. I took off my plume (A/N: aka the feather on top of the shakos) while turning around, seeing Kevin Price standing right before my eyes. My face immediately turned bright red, so I turned around. I played it off by putting away the feather in it's compartment, but when I turned around again he was still there, a small smile on his face.

          "Hey, McKinley.... You did really good out there." He smirked, shining his perfect teeth.

          "Oh, h-hi! Th- uhh, thank you! You've been doing great too...." I mumbled, trying not to pass out at how much my face burned.

          "Haha, thanks." Kevin chuckled, making my heart melt.

          Just as I was about to respond, Chris walked by with his boyfriend. Mister James Trombone Church. They were holding hands, practically showing off their perfect relationship. I was a little jealous, I'll admit. But as they walked by, James grabbed my garment bag from the fence and hung it up higher, to a point where I couldn't reach it to take it off. While they were walking away, Chris giggled and winked at me. My face turned red again as I turned back to Kevin.

          "I swear to god, I'm gonna kill them...." I growled through gritted teeth.

          "What was tha-?" Kevin started to ask before I cut him off.

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