You Will Be Found

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A/N: This is a one-shot where Evan and Connor are really good friends. Just bare with me.

Also, trigger warning: suicidal actions and gore (I guess? More like just plain gross stuff but there.)

(Evan's POV)

          I sat in the back of my 3rd period class, as usual. In the middle of a lesson, I suddenly saw a blur sprint out the door. Every single pair of eyes turned to the door, including the teacher, and nobody said a thing. I looked around to see who was missing from their seat, when I suddenly noticed who was gone.

I looked down at my signed cast and read the big, bold letters, starting to worry about why he left.

(Connor's POV)

          I quickly walked home, tears threatening my eyes. I quickly wiped my eyes with my sleeve and continued out of the school.

          I can't handle it anymore. I can't do this. Nobody cares about me. Nobody loves me. Nobody would care if I disappeared. I'm not strong enough to stand anymore. I can't do this. No one will even notice that I'm gone. Nobody cares. Just leave.

          I made it to my house and walked around to the back, crawling through the window that leads to my room. I walked straight into the bathroom and shut the door, rolling up my sleeves. I quickly pulled the bottle of pills out of the counter.

          Right as I was about to chug the whole bottle, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I froze. I stared into my own eyes as I saw the tears pour from them. I looked at every detail on my face, accented by tears.

          What about Evan?

          I set the bottle of pills on the counter, close by. I looked back up at myself. I held in more tears.

          Evan wouldn't want me to do this.... He'd be so disappointed.... no he wouldn't, he probably doesn't even like me. He only talks to me because he feels bad. He would be glad if I disappeared.

          I grabbed the bottle of pills again, holding it up.

          While doing so, I caught a glimpse of something. On my wrists and arms, there were colorful band-aids that Evan put on my cuts. He ended up signing his name on each one, like how I signed his cast. Every single one. He signed them with his name and a little heart or smiley face. I started crying again.

          I remember the day he saw all my cuts. He insisted on putting little rainbow-colored band-aids on every mark on my arms. Afterward, he took out a marker and wrote his name on them with a little smile on his face. He actually cared.

          I put the pills back down on the counter and clenched my scalp out of frustration. I cried even harder. I couldn't even hear myself think over the voices in my head battling each other.

Evan doesn't care about you, Connor. Nobody does. Do it. End it now. Nobody will care. Nobody will notice. Just disappear.

          No, Evan would notice. He'd be heartbroken. He does care about you, Connor. He wouldn't want this. He cares about you.

Connor. Do it. You have to. You've suffered to much to continue in this miserable world.

          Connor, don't do it. You can't. You'll hurt people. You'll hurt Evan.

Do it, Connor.



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