Be More Chill? More Like Depressed

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(Michael's POV)

          "Get out of my way, loser."

          Jeremy pushed me out of the way and left the bathroom. I shut and locked the door, turning around. I could barely hold back the tears.

          Knock, knock, knock, knock.

          "Hello!? Some of us have to pee!" An angry girl yelled through the door.

          I held back the tears and opened my mouth. ".... I-I'm having my period...." I mumbled, praying the girl would leave.

          "......... Take your time, Honey."

          I backed into the bathtub, sitting on the edge as I heard her footsteps walk away. I tried my hardest to hold in my tears from that point on.

(Jeremy's POV)

          You idiot. Why would you say that to Michael? He's your best friend. He's just trying to help. What have you done?

I stayed outside of the bathroom door, wondering if I should knock or go away. I decided on sitting on the ground with my back pressed against the door. I suddenly heard Michael's voice very softly through the door as I blocked out the sounds from everyone else at the party.

"I am hanging in a bathroom at the biggest party of the fall.... I could stay right here or disappear, and nobody'd even notice at all...."

I felt a pain in my chest as I heard that. Michael, I'd notice....

"I'm a creeper in a bathroom cause my buddy kinda left me alone...."

Another pain hit me. I'm so sorry, Michael....

"But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly, or pretend to check a text on my phone.... Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair.... And through no fault of mine, there's no other half there...."

I curled my knees up to chest, hoping the pain would go away after facing the guilt.

Michael sang through the next few parts of the song, hitting me with guilt. It hurt so much, but I knew I deserved it.

Whilst scolding myself for being a horrible person, I suddenly heard something lightly hit the door, then slide down. Once Michael started singing again, I realized we were back to back with the door between us.

"I am hiding, but he's out there, just ignoring all our history.... Memories get erased and I'll get replaced with a newer, cooler version of me...."

Hearing these words, 12 years of friendship flooded back to me, realizing how much I loved and needed Michael. I felt a tear run down my cheek, the tears continuing over the next few lines.

"Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party, as I choke back the tears. I'll wait as long as I need, till my face is dry, or I'll just blame it on weed, or something in my eye! I'm just Michael who you don't know! Michael flyin' solo! Michael in the bathroom by himself!" Michael sang before standing up as I heard him slide back up the door.

I quickly stood up as well, desperately wiping the tears off my face. I have to apologize.... I have to get my best friend back.... I took a deep breath and placed a fist lightly on the door, knocking four times.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

(Michael's POV)

I started a mild breakdown as I heard knocking on the door. I ignored my shaking hands and looked to the door after the person knocked 4 times.

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