A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into

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(Jeremy's POV)

          Holy shit, I think I'm gay.

          I laid on my back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I frustratedly ran a hand through my hair, exhaling deeply. I shut my eyes and let my brain run wild.

          Wait. I can't be gay. I used to like Christine. But now I like Michael. So I'm not straight, but I'm not gay? Ugh, I wish I could talk to Michael about this.... Unless maybe I can? I could just.... leave out the name...? Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I mean, he is my best friend, he won't judge me. Yeah.

          Satisfied with my decision, I decided to call Michael immediately. He picked up on the first ring.

          "Hey, Michael! Can I, uh.... Can I come over?.... I just- I need to talk to you about something.... Nothing really serious, I just.... don't know who else to talk to about this.... Thank you, Michael. I'll see you in a few minutes." I hung up the phone and sighed, grabbing my jacket, beanie, and gloves before heading out the door.

          There was snow covering the ground from the previous night, so I decided to walk to Michael's house since it wasn't too far. The snow crunched under my boots as I walked down the sidewalk, smiling to myself.

          Once I turned onto Michael's street, I saw him waiting outside his house. He stood up when he saw me, smiling. He started jumping up and down, waving at me. I blushed at the sight of Michael, smiling widely myself. Hopefully, he'll assume my cheeks were red from the cold air.

          "Jeremyyyyyyyy!!" Michael yelled, running towards me and taking me into his arms. I blushed deeper as I buried my face in his shoulder.

          "Michael!" I giggled, my voice muffled by his jacket.

          After our embrace, Michael pulled away, looking into my eyes. He had a soft smile on his face now, keeping us close.

          "What'd you want to talk about?" Michael asked, maintaining eye contact. I blushed a little more as Michael patiently waited for my reply.

          "Basically, uh.... Th-this is kinda awkward, but um...." I trailed off, spacing out while looking into his eyes. I snapped out of it soon enough, becoming slightly embarrassed, but I took a deep breath and paid attention to Michael's patient smile. "So.... I.... I'm slightly confused about something...." I trailed off again, trying to find a better way to word it.

          "It's okay, Jer, I'm here to help." Michael smiled again and waiting for me to talk. I blushed at the use of my nickname, but continued anyway.

          "Basically, I kind of.... As you know, I liked Christine.... But now I- I like this other.... person...." I blushed intensely as I was literally talking to Michael about how I like Michael without using his name. "So, I guess I- I like this guy...." I blurted it out, covering my mouth. Michael just smiled at me.

          "That's cool, Jer. I'm happy you're figuring yourself out." He looked almost proud? But he also showed a hint of sadness in his eyes.

          "But that's the thing.... So I'm not straight, but I'm not gay.... What am I?" I asked, grabbing Michael's shoulders.

          "Well, you could be pansexual or polysexual, but as of now it sounds like you're bisexual!" Michael looked like he was beaming. I hugged him tightly.

          "Well, I guess I'm bi! Thank you.... for helping me figure this out." I smiled, pulling away from the hug and gazing into his eyes.

          "Of course, Jer! Now.... who's this guy you like?" Michael nudged my shoulder and made me blush further.

          "Well.... he...." I trailed off, taking a deep breath. "Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday.... You've known him since second grade.... You're used to thinking about him in a certain way, from the persona that he displays...."

          I had a flashback to when Michael and I were little kids, playing games. "And then something changes.... And he changes...."

          A similar memory popped into my head from a few weeks ago, when Michael and I were playing video games. He was imitating someone, and his adorable laugh made me blush in my memory and in the present.

          "From a guy that you'd never be into, into a guy that you'd kinda be into. From a guy that I'd never be into, into a guy that I'd kinda be into. Is he worth it? Michael? Is he?" I started getting ahead of myself and gripped his shoulders lightly.

(Michael's POV)

          Is he talking about me? I thought about it for a second. Of course he is. I'm the only guy that makes sense for Jeremy to like.

          "Say there's this person that you've always known pretty well." Jeremy looked away and seemingly blushed.

          "He is totally into you!" I smiled widely.

          "You knew that you had him pegged, but now you can tell he's gone from a-" I joined in on the chorus with Jeremy for the next part.

          "Guy that you'd never be into, into a guy that you'd kinda be into. From a guy that I'd never be into, into a guy that I'd kinda be into!" We sang in unison, before Jeremy grabbed my hands.

          "Is he worth it? Michael?" He gazed into my eyes.

          "Absolutely!" I smiled with confidence.

          "I don't always relate to other people my age, except when I'm on the stage. There are so many changes that I'm going through, and why'm I telling this to you?" Jeremy looked away again, but then turned back to me. ".... Guess there's a part of me that wants to...." He then got closer, starting to dance with me as it started to snow.

          "I guess a part of me wants to, who knew? I guess a part of me likes to talk to you. I guess a part of me likes to, who knew? I guess a part of me likes to sit with you. I guess a part of me likes to, who knew? I guess a part of me likes to hang with you. I guess a part of me-" Jeremy cut himself off when our faces were inches apart.

(Jeremy's POV)

          I suddenly became aware of how close our faces were. I pulled away, blushing hardcore, but I looked down.

          "Back to our conversation, I know that it's weird, but it's totally true...." I took a deep breath and looked nervously into Michael's eyes again. He sensed my distress and took my hands, lacing our fingers together. "The guy that I'd kind of be into...."

          "The guy that you'd kind of be into...." Michael echoed after me, getting closer.

          "Yeah, that guy that I'd kinda be into...." We sang in unison, getting even closer.

          "Is........" Our faces were barely an inch apart. "You."

          I leaned forward and kissed Michael. I pulled away after a few seconds, hugging him. I buried my face in his shoulder and he slowly wrapped his arms around me.

          "I love you, Michael...." I whispered, refusing to let go anytime soon.

          "I love you too, Jeremy." Michael pulled my head away from his shoulder and tilted my face up with his finger.

          He pulled me into another kiss. Shortly after we pulled away, we just gazed into each other's eyes.

          I will never forget how big Michael's smile was, complimenting the stars in his eyes and the snow in his hair.

          I pulled him into another hug.

          "This is all that I've wanted for longer than you could possibly know...."

          "Me too."

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