Return To The Mountain With A Little Twist

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Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Oin climb up the Lonely Mountain. As they approach the gates, they stop in shock and fear as they see the destruction caused by Smaug as he smashed through the front gate to fly out of the mountain. They look at each other, then run into the halls of Erebor. Bofur calls out, his voice echoing in the silence "Hello ! Bombur ? Bifur ? ​Anybody​ ?" They clamber through the halls, looking for their kin. As they run down a staircase, Bilbo runs up toward them from another part of the city, calling out "WAIT ! WAIT !" Oin says "It's Bilbo ! He's alive !" Bilbo shouts "Stop ! Stop ! Stop !" They meet each other in a corridor. Bilbo says "You need to leave. We all need to leave." Bofur shouts "We only just got here ?!" Bilbo says "I have tried talking to him, but he won't listen." Oin asks "What do you mean, laddie ?" Bilbo tells them "THORIN. Thorin. Thorin. He's been out there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself - not at all. It's this - It's this place. I think a sickness lies on it." As Bilbo speaks, Fili looks past him and sees something that worries him. Kili asks "Sickness ? What kind of sickness ?" Fili walks past the group and starts heading further down into Erebor, looking at something. Bilbo and the others run after him, trying to stop him "Fili. Fili. Fili !"

As they continue heading down, a golden light begins to be visible on the walls

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As they continue heading down, a golden light begins to be visible on the walls. They round a corner, and stop short at the sight of Smaug's treasure, heaped so high over the floor of the cavern that the ground is barely visible. As they stare, they see Thorin, dressed in ornate robes and covered in jewelry, stride slowly out of a doorway. Thorin begins speaking softly, apparently to himself "Gold - Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow and grief." He looks strange, almost possessed, and the dwarves look at him in surprise Thorin looks up and sees the others standing there "Behold - the great treasure hoard of Thror." He suddenly flings something high into the air to where the dwarves are standing on a stairwell landing, and Fili catches it. It is a giant bloodred jewel. Thorin says "Welcome, my sister's sons, to the kingdom of EREBOR." The newly-come dwarves enter the room where the other dwarves are, and they greet each other warmly with massive hugs. Bofur calls out "Balin !" Nori calls out "Kili !" Then, Bofur calls out "Bombur."

Ori asks "Wait ! Where is Thyri ?" The newly-come dwarves look down

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Ori asks "Wait ! Where is Thyri ?" The newly-come dwarves look down. Bilbo asks "Is-Is she--" Bofur says "When Smaug landed on the city dead, he landed on the city's master boat but not only there. There was Thyri who were trying to catch our boat and Smaug's wing crushed her." The dwarves look down in sorrow. Suddenly, a loud thump and a groan made them look up. Dwalin asks "Who's there ?" Silence... Gloin yells "Show yourself !" They hear a growl and a figure walks in the room. Dori pulls Ori behind him. Balin asks "Will you show your face to us whoever you are ?" The figure was hooded. Bilbo saw the blood coming from its arm. The figure took off their cloak. All the dwarves are shocked at who is barely able to stand in front of them. Bilbo stutters "T-T-Thyri... W-What happened ?" In front of the dwarves, here is standing Thyri, wet because of the lake with an half of her right arm missing. Thyri pants "Let's.... just... say... that I got lost." Balin asks "Is there anything that we could do ?" Thyri sighs smiling "Just tell Thorin that I hate him. Just kidding I love my brother." She falls unconscious. Dwalin picks her up and leads her to her bedroom. Thorin came to see what happened. He asks angrily "What happened !?" Dwalin replies "That filthy beast ripped her arm off." Thorin sighs, seeing his sister like this. Oin healed her and tells Thorin "The poor lass needs rest. The trauma that she will suffer is going to be awful to handle for her."  Few moments later, all the dwarves comb through the piles of treasure, searching for the Arkenstone. Thorin shouts "Any sign of it ?!" Dwalin tells him "Nothing yet." Nori says "Nothing here." Thorin yells "Keep searching !" Oin shouts "That jewel could be anywhere !" Thorin yells "The Arkenstone is in these halls - find it !" Dwalin shouts "You heard him - Keep looking !" Thorin yells "All of you - No one rests until it is found !" Bilbo, hearing all this, looks awkward. He walks out onto the ramparts of the front gates, near the hole Smaug made in the wall. Thorin hears behind him "Can you stop barking like that ?" He says, without leaving the Company in his sight "You should be resting, Thyri." Thyri says "Must I remind you that it is Our throne of us both, if you forgot about it, my dear brother." He chuckles silently and looks at her "And I do this for us both if you forgot about it, dear sister. How are you feeling ?" She nods "I'm fine, don't worry." He says "Good. Now, go back to bed." She frowns "And to leave you all alone in these corridors ? Oh no, mister." Thorin smiles at her softly and kisses her forehead. He whispers "I love you, namad. [sister]" She smiles and strokes his arm, reassuring him that the feeling is mutual. Then, She walks away. Bilbo paces back and forth for a while. Then, after looking around to see that no one is watching, he sits down. He thinks back to his encounter with Smaug, when he is standing near the Arkenstone and Smaug is speaking to him.

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