Sons of Durin

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Suddenly, another trumpet is heard. It is Bombur, on top of the wall. The orcs stop in confusion. In Dale, Bilbo and Gandalf hear the sound too and look up in surprise. Bilbo whispers "Thorin !" The barricade of rocks in the gateway of Erebor suddenly smashes outward as it is hit from inside by a giant golden statue that the dwarves had hung up like a bell. The rocks fall forward and make a rough bridge across the moat. Thorin and his dwarves rush out and through the ranks of the Iron Hills dwarves.

Azog looks on in shock

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Azog looks on in shock. Dain begins shouting to his troops "TO THE KING ! TO THE GUARDIAN !" Thorin and Thyri shout "Du Bekâr ! [To arms !]" He leads the way as all the dwarves form a wedge behind him. They smash their way through the orc ranks, releasing their pent up anger and hatred. In Dale, Bilbo and Gandalf look out at the plain from an abandoned causeway. Bilbo says "The dwarves ! They're rallying !" They watch as the dwarves, fighting with new vigour, destroy the orcs. Gandalf says "They are rallying to their king and their Guardian !" Bard speaks to his remaining men "Any men who want to give their last, follow me! " They charge through the city and clash with the orcs, fighting with reckless abandon now that they know the dwarves are back at it. In the Great Hall, a woman grabs a spear and speaks to the others huddled inside "I say we stand with our men in life and in death ! Arm yourselves !" Many of the women and older men grab their weapons and follow her. Bain grabs his sword. Meanwhile, a woman speaks to an old lady sitting hunched over under her shawl "Come with us, love." The old lady says "No, no, no ! You leave an old woman be." The woman says "Don't be afraid." The 'old lady' under the shawl suddenly speaks in a male voice. It is actually Alfrid, who was trying to disguise himself as an old lady "I said get off !" The Woman reaches over the yanks off the shawl, revealing Alfrid to everyone "Alfrid Lickspittle, you are a coward !" Alfrid says "Coward ?! Not every man is brave enough to wear a corset !" The same woman tells him "You're not a man, you're a weasel !" As the others grab whatever tools or weapons they can find to join the battle, an urn falls over, and Alfrid sees it fall. It breaks open to reveal that is was full of gold and silver coins. On the battlefield, Thorin defeats an orc. He calls out to Dain, who is not far away "Dain !" Dain calls out "Thorin !" He shouts as he headbutts an orc "Hold on ! I'm coming !" They continue killing orcs, all the while getting closer to each other. Dain asks "Hey cousin, what took you so long ?!" In a brief respite, they are able to meet and hug.

Dain says "There's too many of these buggars, Thorin

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Dain says "There's too many of these buggars, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan." Thorin looks up and sees the hilltop on which Azog's wooden machines and signalling orders "Aye. We're going to take out their leader !" Dain says "Azog..." Thorin strides forward and mounts a large goat that Dain's army had brought "I'm gonna kill that piece of filth !" Thorin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili, each on a goat, charge toward Azog's hill, smashing through the Orc armies in their way. Without them knowing, Thyri runs toward the hill also. Dwalin shouts "Lead on !" Back in Dale, Gandalf watches human spearmen and archers kill a massive troll. Gandalf says "We may yet survive this." Bilbo calls out "GANDALF !" Gandalf kills an orc, then hurries over to where Bilbo is standing at the wall and watching Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili ride up a spur of the mountain to where Azog is. Bilbo says "It's Thorin !" Gandalf says "And Fili, Kili... and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors ! Thyri is following them and they don't even know." Bilbo asks "To do what ?" Gandalf replies "To cut the head off the snake." On top the hill, Azog hears the sound of goat hooves, and he snarls. Thorin and Co. reach some ruins on top of the hill, killing orcs along the way. There is a frozen river between them and where Azog is. Legolas and Tauriel arrive back in Dale together on a horse. They charge through the streets, killing orcs on their way. They come to where Gandalf is standing. Legolas calls out "Gandalf !" Gandalf says "Legolas... Legolas Greenleaf !" Legolas says ​"There is a second army ! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us !" Gandalf says "Gundabad... This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg seeps in from the north." Bilbo asks "Wha... the north... where is the north, exactly ?!" Gandalf replies "Ravenhill." He turns and strides over to the parapets to look at the hill where Thorin went. That is Ravenhill. Bilbo says "Ravenhill... Thorin is up there ! And Thyri, Fili, and Kili they're all up there !" At the sound of Kili's name, Tauriel is alarmed. Together, they all look out toward the top of Ravenhill, which is shrouded in mist. Thorin and Co. are still fighting in the ruins across the frozen river from Azog's stronghold. Having defeated all the enemies at present, they look out across the river at the ruins in which Azog was last seen. His wooden signalling machines are visible through the mist. Kili says "Where is he ? Looks empty. I think Azog has fled !" Thorin says "I don't think so... Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something; report back, do not engage, do you understand ?!" Dwalin says "We have company; Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." They look back the way they came to see goblins running over the ruins toward them. Thorin says "We'll take care of them. Go ! Go !" Dwalin says "Come on !" As Fili and Kili run towards the river, Thorin and Dwalin prepare to meet the goblins rushing toward them. In a moment of peace, Thranduil walks slowly through the city, seeing the fallen bodies on the ground, many of which are his own elves. His commander comes running up. Thranduil says "Recall your company." The commander blows a horn. Gandalf comes running up. "My lord, dispatch this force to Ravenhill ! The dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned." Thranduil tells him "By all means, warn him. I have spent enough elvish blood in defense of this accursed land - No more !" Thranduil walks away haughtily and angrily. Gandalf calls out "Thranduil ?!" Bilbo says "I'll go !" Gandalf says "Don't be ridiculous ! You'll never make it !" Bilbo asks "Why not ?" Gandalf replies "Cause they will see you coming and kill you !" Bilbo says "No, they won't." Gandalf looks at Bilbo peculiarly. Bilbo says "They won't see me." Gandalf tells him "It's out of the question. I won't allow it !" Bilbo says "I'm not asking you to allow it, Gandalf." Gandalf says nothing. They nod to each other, then Bilbo strides away. Turning a corner, he presses into an alcove and pulls out his ring. He looks at it for a few moments, then puts it on.

Invisibly, he runs through the city, seeing the remaining battles

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Invisibly, he runs through the city, seeing the remaining battles. In his ring-enhanced vision, the elves appear to be beings of white light, while the orcs are like solid shadows.

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