The End Of The Journey

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Bilbo is sitting by himself and staring off into the distance. Gandalf comes to join him. They sit there, quietly, thinking. Gandalf begins cleaning out his pipe quite noisily, and Bilbo looks like he's about to object. After a moment's pause, they nod at each other. The remaining members of Thorin's company kneel beside the body of their king, paying him homage. Bilbo and Gandalf, sitting, watch them. They looked for the king's queen who was also their Queen and their Guardian. But, they found her body next to her nephew Kili. Dwalin and Balin run towards her, seeing that she was breathing and her eyes were open. They shout "Thyri !"  The others, Bilbo and Gandalf reached them and saw tears falling from her eyes. She looks at Kili with remorse "Forgive me, Kili. I wasn't well enough to be up to the task of protecting you and your brother. Your old auntie wasn't fast enough to save you two. I would have liked so much to know about you more. But I was able to know an important thing about you two. You were exceptional nephews. I wouldn't have wished for the better. My little wolf and my little lion." The Company looks at her, with teary eyes. Then, she looks at them, smiling sadly "It was... a privilege to have this journey with you lads. I was so happy to reunite with you, Dwalin and Balin. My old friends. Erebor is in good hands with you all and with Dain as King. I can finally rest in peace. Bilbo, come near me please." Bilbo approaches her, kneels down next to her, and holds her hand. She tells him "Thank you for staying until the end. You are... the bravest Hobbit that I have ever met. I would have wished to know about the Shire and Bag-End." Bilbo lets out tears and says "Do not say that. There's still time for me to tell you everything about the Shire." Thyri chuckles softly before coughing. She says "My friend... it's too late. I cannot survive without my twin." Bilbo puts the necklace Thorin gave him on Thyri's hand. She hands it back to him and says "Keep it. This necklace... I give it to you as a token of appreciation... for being a great friend." Thyri takes her last breath to say to Gandalf in his mind "Protect Bilbo from the Ring, old friend." She looks at the clear sky, smiling; then, shuts her eyes slowly. The Company, except Gandalf, kneels before their Queen. Gandalf lets out tears. He lost one of his closest friends whom he admired profoundly and whom he considered his student. Later that day, in Dale, Percy blows on a huge horn, and all the townspeople, who are gathered along the walls, stare out reverently at Erebor.

 Later that day, in Dale, Percy blows on a huge horn, and all the townspeople, who are gathered along the walls, stare out reverently at Erebor

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The Company, Gandalf, Beorn, and Radagast ended up in Erebor for the funeral of the four Royal Family members. The four fallen members are lying on stone tables, holding their respective swords on their chests, except for Thorin holding the Arkenstone. 


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