The War Begins

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Early the next morning, we see that the plain in front of the mountain is covered in legions of elves and men, armed for battle. The dwarves, also prepared, watch from above the gate blockade. Alfrid comes to wake Bilbo up, carrying a bowl of food "Wakey, Wakey, hobbit. Up you... get." He pauses as he realizes that Bilbo is not in the room where he had left him. Thranduil and Bard ride together to the front of the armies and approach their side of the broken bridge over the moat. From above the blockade, Thorin draws a bow and shoots an arrow at the ground directly in front of Thranduil and Bard, who immediately halt in surprise. Thorin says "I will put the next one between your eyes !" He draws his bow again, and the dwarves on the wall cheer and shake their weapons. Thyri rolls her eyes, judging this behavior stupid. Thranduil stares at him angrily, then slightly tilts his head. Instantly, several rows of Elves near the front of the army pull out their bows, nock their arrows, and aim at the dwarves, all in one fluid motion. The dwarves' cheering cuts off abruptly as all of them but Thorin and Thyri duck behind the ramparts. After holding the pose for a few seconds, Thranduil raises his hand, and the elves easily put away their arrows. Thorin still has his bow drawn, though. Thranduil says "We've come to tell you : payment of your debt has been offered... and accepted." Thorin asks "What payment ? I gave you nothing ! You have nothing !" Bard says "We have this." He reaches into his robe and pulls out the Arkenstone, holding it above his head. Thorin, shocked, lowers his bow. Thyri looks at the King's Jewel, shocked "They have the Arkenstone ?" Kili shouts "Thieves ! How came you by the heirloom of our house ? That stone belongs to the king !" Bard says "And the king may have it in our good will."

He puts the Arkenstone back into his robe "But first he must honor his word

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He puts the Arkenstone back into his robe "But first he must honor his word." Thorin whispers to himself, and the dwarves near him can hear "They are taking us for fools. This is a ruse, a filthy lie." Balin looks shocked that Thorin's mental state has deteriorated to the point at which he would even consider this. Thorin then yells out "THE ARKENSTONE IS IN THIS MOUNTAIN ! IT IS A TRICK !" At the top of the ramparts, Bilbo steps out from the dwarves "It-It's no trick. The stone is real. I gave it to them." As Bilbo speaks, Thorin's expression changes to a mixture of sorrow and anger. Thranduil and Bard look worried, as they thought Bilbo was still safely in Dale. Thorin and the other dwarves look at Bilbo in shock. Thorin whispers "You..." Bilbo says "I took it as my fourteenth share." Thorin asks "You would steal from me ?" Bilbo replies "Steal from you ? No. No. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim." Thorin says "Against your claim ?! Your claim ! You have no claim over me you miserable rat !" Thorin throws down his bow in anger and begins walking toward Bilbo. Bilbo says "I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but..." Thorin asks "But what, thief ?!" Bilbo tells him "You are changed, Thorin ! The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word ! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin !" Thorin says "Do not speak to me...of loyalty !" He shouts to the other dwarves "Throw him from the rampart !" Bilbo looks shocked. The other dwarves, rather than obeying Thorin, step away from Bilbo in confusion. Thranduil and Bard look concerned.

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