two | nicknames!

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"WHAT DO YOU want, Ari?" Syd asked her sister as she played with the crumpled dollar bills in her hands

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"WHAT DO YOU want, Ari?" Syd asked her sister as she played with the crumpled dollar bills in her hands. Arianna's blue eyes scanned the shelves full of candy, not knowing what to pick for herself.

"Uhm..." Arianna's eyes finally landed on one. "I want 3 Musketeers - no, I want a Snickers - wait, no, I want Jolly Ranchers - no, I want a Honey Bun - no, no, no, I want-"

"Make up your dang mind, Taylor." Sydney joked, looking up at her younger sister as she grinned. Arianna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, staring at her.

"Taylor's your last name, idiot." Sydney answered her sister's silent question and chuckled.

"Oh!" Arianna shook her head, mentally face palming herself. She couldn't believe she had forgotten her own last name. "So, what should I get?"

"I don't know, just grab something and let's go!" Sydney responded, peering around the candy shelf to see if anybody else had made their way into the corner store.

Arianna huffed, not happy with the answer her sister gave her. She quickly made her decision by grabbing a Skittles bag from the shelf. The girls both walked up to the cashier. After paying for the candy, they both left the small store and started walking on the sidewalk.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" Arianna asked Syd, sticking her hands in her back pockets as she held her candy.

Sydney thought for a bit, looking around the street. "I don't know. We should go around town; explore."

Arianna nodded. "We shall." She spoke in a strange accent, making Sydney chuckle and roll her icy blue eyes.

"You and your stupid accents! Literally, one day, you're gonna see how annoying they are." Sydney spoke, squinting her blue eyes in the sunlight.

"Accents aren't annoying; they're fun!" Arianna joked, liking that she was getting on her sister's nerves on purpose.

Accents are fun.

"Hey - is that Bill?" Sydney suddenly asked, causing Arianna's eyes to look up from the ground to see a familiar face. Standing not too far away from the girls, was Bill.

"Yeah." Arianna confirmed with a smile, then looked down to see a penny on the ground, causing her to gasp.


"Penny!" She pointed to the ground with wide eyes, kneeling down to grab it as Sydney walked over to Bill. She smiled, knowing pennies meant good luck. She stuck the penny in her back pocket and walked over to Sydney and Bill, who were both blushing.

Arianna mischievously grinned. I know what's going on here! "I see what's going on, here." She teasingly spoke, making Sydney glare at her and for Bill to blush even more.

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